Wednesday 15 May 2024

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: Woofs, Everyone! Ollie here! I haven't done a post in a while so I thought it would fun to catch up. As you know, #1 has been away quite a bit lately, but I always have a good time with Mr. G and I get to see the two lab girls he looks after!

Lately, #1 has enjoyed taking pics of me and flowers:

And then I came up with my own decoration!

To close, here is a nice pic Mr. G took of me hanging with my bro, Momo:

And one #1 took with my baby bro, Ryū, who really likes to play with my tail:


  1. You are such a handsome boy, Ollie, and you photograph beautifully with the flowers!

  2. she takes those photos because you are so very handsome in green grass and flowers. of course you are also handsome with your feline siblings.

  3. Thank you Ollie, that was a great post! You are a gentle soul :)

  4. Ollie, you are such a cheerful pup! Good to see you having a fun visit with other pups.

  5. Another 'w'inning 'W'ednesay!

    'W'onderful 'W'oofie shots!
    Ryū would have a challenging time playing with my tail!

    I'm so glad my now #1 saw me on ACDRA's FB feed !


  6. Ollie, that is some tailio you've got, after all!

  7. We always love seeing photos of you, Ollie. And especially when they show you enjoying the greenery of the fields.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. You sure have a charmed life, Ollie. That tail must be irresistable to your kitty brothers.

  9. Hello sweet Ollie! You do look mighty handsome out in the flowers!

  10. Lulu: "You look very handsome with your decorations, Ollie!"

  11. Mee-yow Ollie you look splendid inn THE Grass!!! ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum


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