Our little silver prince arrived home on July 8th, aged three months and one week.

He was confined to the back room or the first week or so, and I spent a lot of time in there with him:

Then he met Bibi:

... and the rest of the family.
He settled in remarkably well, not even getting hissed at by the girls. He was initially terrified of Tom, but the two are now best friends.

Beebs is the perfect big brother:

And little Genji has grown into a beautiful boy:

Although he will probably never be as big as The Beebs!

GENJI brings much joy to our family. He is incredibly affectionate and purrs as soon as I touch him. He loves climbing into my arms and just sitting there. He is adventurous, brave and very playful. He is also a glutton and a terrible food thief. He knows how to open the door of the small oven, a skill he apparently learned from his mother, Bastet, in the womb!
Little Silver Streak, we are so glad you are one of us, and can't imagine life without you!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY from #1, Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Bibi-Chan, Tommy, Vidock and Violette!