"We've left you plenty of room, #1! Nothing to complain about!"
Tama-Chan: Greetings, Dear Friends! I always enjoy my day of the week and the opportunity to share some of my pics with you.
We've had a mix of sun and rain over the past few days. #1 caught me as I face-bathed in a sunpuddle!
Benny: #1 has been working on getting some nice pics of me and I think she has done rather well. See for yourselves!
Tama-Chan: Another week has gone by without #1 able to go and see the horses. But we have been snuggling up a storm at Poupounette Central, so we have some great SoS pics for you.
Mr. G took this nice pic of me and #1:
Rainbow Sei: Hello Everyone! Remember us? It has been SO Long since we had a proper Souvenir post! Maybe as far back as September! Anyway, we are back, and we have some nice pics to share with you of all of us from our time at Poupounette Central.
Here first is Ikkyu:
A baby pic of me!
Benny: #1 got us a new toy!
Tama-Chan: Since I am a grown-up, I enjoy grown-up pastimes, such as pleasant conversations with visitors. Here I am, entertaining Ms. N yesterday:
Ollie: I love my toys, and the cats' toys too!!
Ollie: I hear that today is a celebration called Thanksgiving in the United States and I would like to send our best wishes to all our friends across the pond. We are thankful for all of you! It is just an ordinary day here, but Mr. G and Ms. N are coming to tea, so it will be special!
You may remember me mentioning that I managed to roll in something wonderful just before #1 left for her eye operation. Well, her friend, Ms. E, came over on Tuesday and they bundled me into the bathtub and shampooed me! They said that I was absolutely disgusting. Now, I smell like a lovely clean boy and I am thankful for that. Here are a couple of pics of Ms. E helping to towel me dry:
The whole experience was absolutely exhausting!
And here is me looking clean, shiny and fluffy in the garden:
Momo-Chan: Little meows everyone! #1 says I am growing like a weed and I am not done yet! When I had my "surgery" recently, I also got a microchip and the paperwork for it arrived this week. In France, the central database for pets is managed by the Ministry of Agriculture. Here is what my card looks like: