Friday 26 July 2024

Fantastic Friday - Ryū's First Gotchaversary!


Ryū-Chan: Meows, Everyone! It's your favourite little dragon here! Today makes it a whole year since I came to live at Poupounette Central with #1, Queen Tama, my two kitty bros, Benny and Momo, and my woofie bro, Ollie. It's been a great year, so I want to say a big thank you to my breeder, Ms. V and my Mama, Piccolo (aka Pickle) for letting me leave home and come here, and to my #1 for loving me as much as she does.

Here is a pic of me with Ms. V at the handover:

And my first selfie with #1 after we got home!

Early Days. I was really little!

I Loved my bro, Momo, right from the start:

I was so little that I had some great hiding places:

We became the Three Mouseketeers pretty quickly!

I felt very much at home!

I loved to hang out close to Queen Tama:

And I became an avid reader!

I love this shot of me at seven months with all of my feline siblings:

It took me a while to get used to my woofie bro, Ollie, but I eventually did:

I love my #1 even though she does hold me really tight when we snuggle!

I still like to sleep close to Queen Tama!

I love being out in the cat run with my bros:

And when it's not too warm. I love to snuggle under the covers with #1:

It's been such a great year. I can't wait to see what great adventures the next one will bring!

Signed with my official name Ultimo de Pippin's Pride and my everyday name Uryū (Rain Dragon), 
aka RyūChan (Little Dragon)


Thursday 25 July 2024

Thankful for Horses on Thursday


#1 here. Today, I would like to state once again how thankful I am to have horses in my life. Yesterday, I went to visit the Misses Violette and Heloise:

I also was able to admire Miss Ursula, one of Ms. C's mares, as well as her lovely hydrangea:

Then there was a romantic rendez-vous arranged between black stallion Luriste and grey Percheron filly Kalina! He was showing off, strutting his stuff!

And my friend Ms. P, with whom I went to the big agricultural show in Paris, came by with her beautiful Grand Noir du Berry jenny, Fringante (which means dashing/frisky):

I am thankful to be surrounded by these beautiful creatures and the lovely people around them!

PS: I feel I should repeat one more time that I SHALL NOT BE AT THE OLYMPICS! I am an official at the Paralympic Games, with the para-dressage competitions taking part the first week of September.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Wear it on Wednesday!


#1 here. When I mentioned last week going to get my uniform for the Paralympics (same as the one for the Olympics, actually) where I shall be officiating as a steward for the para-dressage events, to be held in the park of the Palace of Versailles, quite a few people requested that I post photos of myself modelling them. A couple of items have been taken to my dressmaker for alterations (sleeves and trouser legs too long), so this is somewhat curtailed, but here goes:

The shoes are black with pink (!) accents. In fact, everything has pink accents. At least a little splash of colour in the terminally dark shades of grey! We have also been issued with four pairs of socks, two light grey and two dark grey.

The Panama hat is pretty cool!

Back view of the "everyday polo shirt" with the everyday convertible trousers/shorts. We also have white long-sleeved shirts and "elegant" trousers, to be worn during competitions, along with an "elegant" sporty jacket. And there is a rain jacket which we hope we won't need.

See you in Versailles!

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: To be honest, Dear Friends, I have lost track of time a little as I have basked in the sweet joys of having #1 here plus abundant sunpuddles over the past week. This is life as it should be lived:

I have no complaints. Not. A. Single. One!

Monday 22 July 2024

Manly Monday


Ollie: #1 said I could host this week's MM post given that there has been a strong feline focus of late. So, let me start with a pic of me in the garden:

The grass is so green and soft (because it has rained so much!) that it's lovely to lie in!

Next we have a couple of Benny shots by Mr. G:

Here is Momo out in the cat run:

And eating his favourite crunchies:

And we have Ryū-Chan going, going...


Last but not least, The Big V sent us this nice shot of him (R) and Toscane (L) having a snack after finishing work one day:

We wish you all a good week!

Sunday 21 July 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: We were a tad worried about this week's SoS post as #1 hasn't taken many photos this past week but Mr. G once again saved the day when he and Ms. N came to tea yesterday. So, sit back and enjoy. We'll start with me.

Baby Ryū definitely believes in snuggling on his own terms, so he was a tad taken aback when #1 grabbed him for a photo shoot!

As for Momo, he is always bereft when he is picked up for a snuggle!😁😂

Benny, on the other paw, loves his snuggles!

As does Ollie!

And to finish off, here is Benny again, getting double snuggles from both Mr. G and Ms. N!

Wishing you all a lovely and snuggly Sunday!

Saturday 20 July 2024

Sweet Saturday Greetings

In Japan, there is a tradition of sending friends "Greetings to help you through the summer heat." We received this lovely card from a friend yesterday.

We send you, our friends, similar greetings 

Friday 19 July 2024

Feline Friday


Benny: Me-YOW, Everyone! It's great to see you and host today's post! I would like to start today's post with this pic of me supervising one of #1's summer sweaters:

And here is one of me in the cat run at night, taken by Mr. G when #1 was away:

And a pretty cool one of Baby Ryū:

A daytime shot of Momo looking incredibly white and fluffy!

Ryū's wild side (reminds us a bit of Da Beebs!)

Me and Momo discussing a toy:

Whilst we youngsters play, Queen Tama continues to take her duties of helping #1 with her work very seriously:

PS: Thanks to Mr. G for all the cool pics he always takes of us!