Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Whole Lot on Wednesday


Benny: All four of us kitties are in this photo! Can you find us all?

Ollie Update: Dr. C wasn't overly concerned with Ollie's, ahem, inflammation. She emptied his anal glands, made sure there was nothing peripherally nasty lurking, and gave #1 instructions to continue washing the area with Betadyne twice a day.


  1. we hope all things run fine now dear Ollie... we will look if we find you alll in the photo

  2. Oh, we hope better and better. Poor little sweetie, not a fun thing to have....

  3. We hope you are on the mend, Ollie. Paws are crossed!

  4. Good news for ollie. And I did pick out all four of you, one sweet queen in her basket. A handsome black boy on the couch. A fluffy white boy on a chair. And that young Rascal on the edge of the table. It was like a game to find you but we missed Ollie.

  5. Ollie, we know it's embarrassing, but let #1 do her work so you get better.

  6. I found all of you! Ollie, be a good boy and have your butt washes and you will soon be feeling better!

  7. poor sweet Ollie, I am glad to hear the doctor was no overly concerned.

  8. We made the picture bigger and easily spotted all four of you. Our paws are crossed that Ollie feels better soon.

  9. Ollie!
    #1 will need an extra special HOWLiday cadeau for her spa work!


  10. I finally found the four cuties! I'm sure glad that Ollie will be okay.

  11. We spotted you although a couple were camouflaged pretty well. Poor Ollie - we hope he will be better soon. Try some Vaseline - Mom says it helps everything:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Oona: "Oona found you all, but it wasn't easy. Well done on the camouflage. Oona approves."
    Lulu: "We're glad to hear Ollie didn't have anything serious going on!"


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