We have to explain a few things first: In France, all pedigree cats and dogs born in the same year are supposed to have names starting with the same letter of the alphabet. The letter for 2009 is "E" so all our names start with that letter. Also, all kitties in Uncle U's lineages have traditionally been given place names as their official names. And as you already know, #1 has a "thing" about Japan, where she lived for 20 years, so we all get Japanese names!
So, keeping all that in mind... Ta Da........

Ehime is the only girl in this litter and she certainly knows how to hold her own. She is pretty intrepid, and was the first one out of the "box" when a door was put in!

Ebisu is a real sweetie and very easy-going. He has already mastered the "silent miaow" when he wants to be picked up and played with.

Echigo is a bit of a daredevil, hence his nickname of "GoGo-Chan"! He was initially the second smallest of the litter but is now the biggest!

Little Eifuku is the lightest of the litter, although that is hardly an issue in a litter of pretty heavy kittens! He is a great observer, always looking at everything, and loves to wrestle!