Tuesday 31 January 2023

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends! It is always so lovely to welcome you to my day of the week, bu there is something I need to raise with you. In the past four weeks, the only post that got less than 10 comments was my post of last week. Dear Friends, I was devastated. Do you not love me anymore? Do I not entertain you? I know how hard it is to entertain when there are two fluffy kitten clowns around....

To be honest, I don't have anything wildly exciting to report this week. I have been helping #1 with her work:

And sitting with her in the evenings:

I've been enjoying my alpaca throw:

And posing for #1 to take portraits of me:

That will probably mean even fewer comments than last week, but no matter. The important thing is that #1 is here!

That Benny Boy is being carted off to Dr. C's this morning for his boosters. There will be a few hours of peace!

Happy last day of January!

Monday 30 January 2023

Manly Monday


The Big V: I get to go first this week! I have another nice portrait that #1 took of me. I hope you like my smile!

Momo: I really like watching TV. I don't know why #1 gets annoyed with me when I do!

Ollie: Hanging with my bro, Momo!

Benny: So what if I stole all of #1's chicken last night? She shouldn't have left it on the stove...

Sunday 29 January 2023

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Welcome to our weekly SoS post and I have to say that this week's snuggling gold medal goes to.... Momo! That boy is a champion snuggler, and I must confess that he is very ably seconded by Benny. I mean, just look at this!

Those two are simply in a class of their own! And Momo is also making progress when it comes to snuggling with #1:

Notice Ollie in that second picture. And here's another one of Ollie and #1:

And Benny and #1:

I am taking a back seat today, but I of course snuggle with #1 at every opportunity!

Friday 27 January 2023

Violette & Co. Vendredi


Violette: #1 has been busy with work so we haven't yet seen her this week, but she is going to try and come tomorrow. In the meantime, we have a few photos that we haven't shared from her visit last week.

It was a beautiful day. The Big V was doing his usual pushy stuff, right up against the barrier, hoping to get all the treats... I am always more discreet.

Neither Heloise nor the blonde girls can get a look in either, as he is always ready to chase them away.

He thinks he's so handsome that all the treats should go to him:

But look how pretty Heloise is! #1 says that photographing her is really hard, just like photographing Benny!

I am older than her and I know how to play the game. The Big V is easily distratced and I can sidle up to #1 for my treats!

Don't you worry, though. #1 always makes sure Heloise gets her fair share too!

Thursday 26 January 2023

Throwback Thursday

 #1 here. I decided that it would be fun to have a post with the photos of all the current Gang members when they were little, so here goes:

Baby Tama:

Baby Benny:

Baby Momo:

Baby Ollie:

Baby Vidock:

Baby Violette:

Baby Heloise (at 2 days!):

Heloise is the only one of the Gang whom I have known since the day she was born. We hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane!

Wednesday 25 January 2023

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: Last week we went to visit my daughter, Lily, and stepdaughter, Leonie. That little Leonie is only five months old but she is huge and she is a TOTAL TERROR! #1 cowers when Leonie dives at her, often with muddy paws. #1 says that, compared to Leonie, I was a total angel when I was a puppy!!!

These photos are blurry, for obvious reasons.

You can see in that last photo how Lily and I are desperately looking for somewhere to hide...

Our visit to our friends, Mr. T and Ms. V (who have Mitzi) was a lot more peaceful:

Here is another nice pic that #1 took of me out in the garden when it was sunny. It's back to being grey although it's not raining for the time being.

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Here we are again, Dear Friends! I did notice that that great big grey lump had the gall to style himself in yesterday's post as the fairest of them all. The nerve! Well, we know what's what, don't we?

As it has been so cold recently, #1 has put out an Alpaca throw that she inherited from her great-aunt, and I am finding it most delightful!

I have also been enjoying sunpuddles in my window seat and my Hammick:

And putting up with the youngsters:

At the moment, our life is quiet and quite pleasant!

Monday 23 January 2023

Manly Monday


Benny: You know that #1 occasionally calls me a t-h-u-g, don't you? There are also some other epithets... Sniff.... I'm a good boy, really, I am! So, last time she said she was taking a photo of me for the blog, I posed very nicely:

Momo: I like to sit at the window and look at the outside. #1 got this nice pic of me:

Ollie: With the nicer weather, we've been spending more time outside and #1 has talen more good pics of me.

The Big V: And who's the fairest of them all? Do we even need to ask the question?

Have a great week, EveryFriend!

Sunday 22 January 2023

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: It has gotten quite a bit colder here, but it is also sunnier! We have been enjoying snuggling even ore than usual, if such a thing is possible!

Let me start this week with this one of me giving #1 a kiss:

Here are some of me sitting on #1's lap. In the first one, you can see Ollie snuggled up next to #1.

Next, we have Ollie and Momo:

And Momo and Benny!

Next, we have Benny and Ollie on #1's bed in the morning (she is between the two). And the lump under the covers at the foot of the bed is in fact Momo!

And we will finish off this week's SoS post with a BIG smooch from Miss Violette!