Tuesday 3 January 2023

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Happy New Year, Dear Friends! We had a lovely visit with #1's friends who spent the required amount of time admiring me and cuddling me. Just the kind of guests I love!

We are slowly getting back to normal here. Among other things, our guests brought some yummy foods for us from England, as well as a number of things for #1. It will take a few days to put everything away, and #1 also has quite a busy month of January work-wise, so she'll be mostly sticking close to hime (Hurray!).

I have been helping her, as usual, and will continue to do so:

And I have of course been looking cute:


  1. it might be hard for me to work at the computer with your precious face peeking out at me... that made me laugh. wish i could stroke your furs

  2. I am glad you had a lovely time with your visitors. You look very cute helping from behind the laptop.

  3. Lovely when humans recognize their place is to give due attention and affection to kitties, in particular, Queen Tama!!

  4. Tama, you've mastered cute!

  5. So good to have friends visit and show some adoration for you Tama :)
    Also nice that #1 will be at home with all of you for a while too. I think #1 appreciates your help Tama.
    Purrs, Julie

  6. I believe bringing the 'petting hand' is manadatory, eh?

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie!

  7. Appears that you did an excellent job of getting adoration, Tama-Chan. Well done, cutie pie.

  8. You are adorable as ever, Tama-Chan. #1 is so lucky to have you supporting her while she works.

  9. How nice your guests recognized your Royalty and beauty sweet Tama!

  10. That is just such a cute shot of you peeking around the laptop, Tama. Bet it made #1 smile.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Deer Tama yore THE bestest Secretary an Heelpurr fore Numburr #1. Youss' sure had lotss of company over THE Hollydayss didn;t you? Numburr #1 wee hope yore eye surgery'ss are all dun an you are all bettur!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  12. You are such a good helper, Tama-Chan.

  13. Lulu: "I also enjoy it when people come over and give me admiration and attention!"
    Chaplin: "By which she means belly rubs."
    Lulu: "Of course!"
    Charlee: "I prefer it when people come over and stay away from me. If necessary, I make sure that happens by hiding under the couch until they leave."

  14. We are way behind...sorry we missed so many posts...but here we are!

    Belated greettings: Happy New Year!
    Looks like you've all be very busy as well!

    You are looking good, Tama, and we hope you are all well!

  15. Such a helpful and caring Queen. XXXX Happy New Year to all of you.


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