Genji: Now you may or may not know that, in this house, the boys wear collars and the girls mostly don't. I am not sure whether it means we are superior or that we should complain. Anyway, Da Beebs and I both wear breakaway collars (Tommy wears a fancy rolled leather handmade collar) and #1 had noticed that both were looking a little the worse for wear. So, she went and ordered two new collars, in perfect colours, from Red Dingo!
Now there is a further rather interesting rule here: Da Beebs has a bell on his collar and I don't. It seems strange as he has the loudest miaow in the house and I have the tiniest. Anyway, that is how #1 can tell if he is lurking close to the front door etc...
Despite what it looks like, # 1 is not throttling Da Beebs in this photo:
In addition to his bell, he has a little gold heart locket on his collar.
And here is mine. Blue suits me so well, don't you think?
She tells me there is a little fish charm somewhere which she is going to add to my collar, but this requires some organisation...
As the season is approaching, she was also looking through our Christmas collars. During the festive season, ALL of us wear Christmas collars, even Tommy. He has a great one from Dublin Dog!
Anyway, I am sure you would love to see another picture of me. In this one, you can see how frayed my previous collar was getting:
And here is Da Beebs wearing his old collar. As you can see, that was also looking a little ratty:
Do you guys all wear collars? We are also microchipped, in case you were wondering.
PS: By the way, for those of you who are on FaceBook, we just wanted to mention that there now is a The Poupounette page in which we try to post photos that are not on the blog.