Wednesday 31 January 2024

White on Wednesday


This is a first one for us but as we have a white boy, and we had a nice artistic photo, we thought we would give it a try with Momo!

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends! #1 returned shortly after 1pm yesterday so that was pretty good going. She said her training course was mostly a waste of time, and she will continue to focus on the internal equestrian federation rather than the French. Anymiaow, here I am with my weekly post, and I have some nice pics to share with you.

#1 decided to give me a new, more comfy bed on the dining room table. I like it! It's been around for a while, actually, and used to be my sister Sei-Chan's favourite bed, so it reminds me of her. Here is a nice photo of me in it:

Now, about my little Dragon apprentice. Do not tell him I said so but he did rather make me giggle with his latest antics when I was sitting on the cat tree by the kitchen window.

So, do you like my chapeau?

Can you see how innocent Ryū-Chan is looking, having positioned it that way? I think it rather suits me, don't you?

Monday 29 January 2024

Manly Monday


Ollie: Hurah! #1 managed to find nice pics of us boys and so could put together a quick Manly Monday post for us!

Here is Momo up in the study. He really likes to hang out there ! (Photo by Mr. G)

Ryū-Chan clearly fascinated by something!

Benny went to the vet last week for his shots and because he had a runny eye. He has conjunctivitis so he has to get goop in his left eye twice a day... He's already better.

And here I am out in the garden! I have a really nice new collar and a tag with my photo on it! I'll show you close-ups soon.

Have a great week, everyone!

Saturday 27 January 2024

Saturday Snuggles!


Benny: Mee-Yow, Everyone! We are posting our SoS pics today instead of tomorrow because.... #1 is taking off this afternoon and won't be back until Monday. She is doing a training course to become a multi-discipline steward for the French Equestrian Federation. Mr. G will be taking care of us all. Forgive us but this will be a somewhat curtailed snuggle post featuring just us three kitten boys and Ollie.

We're not sure yet about Monday, so don't worry if you don't hear from us!

Friday 26 January 2024

Fun & Family Friday with Ollie!


Ollie: Woofs, Everyone! Ollie here. The other way, when we went to see the horses, I had a great time playing with crazy Leonie, and #1 managed to snag a few photos:

Can you see Violette in the distance, looking at us as though we were completely mad?

#1 also got a couple of nice pics of my daughter, Lily:

Isn't she pretty?

Thursday 25 January 2024

Thankful Thursday


Ryū-Chan: As you know, I have been taking lessons from Queen Tama on how to be helpful to #1. She has the work aspect pretty much covered so I have been looking into other ways to help. I was very happy to be able to offer full supervision services when our nice neighbour Mr. P came over a couple of days ago to replace the shower/bath thermostat mixer for #1.

It is always polite to greet people properly when they arrive:

I then examined the new fixture to make sure it was the right one:

And I supervised the installation process:

I am happy to tell you that everything is working perfectly. In case you were wondering, Mr. P is one of those awesome people who can do everything. He built their house himself and is a dab hand at everything from roofing to plastering and plumbing!

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Wednesday Whinnies


Violette: Mr. P, our farrier, came last Friday to give us hooficures. He hadn't been in a while as growth on the feet is much slower over the winter months. We were pleased to see him and to be pampered., and the weather was nice.

Ms. C said to #1 that I am the closest thing to a polar bear she sees in the winter as my coat gets so thick!

My winter coat keeps me toasty. Look how frozen the ground was!

Miss Héloise is now officially majority-owned by Ms. C but #1 likes to say that she still owns one leg!!!

Here's a fun photo. Can you see how small woofie Ollie looks next to Héloise?

After our hooficures, we of course got treat buckets! Here we are waiting patiently as Ms. C got the grain and #1 cut up the apples and carrots.

At last!

When we returned to our field, Héloise put in a complaint about the water in our trough being frozen, which was addressed promptly by Ms. C:

It's warmed up quite a bit since then, so we'll be able to add to the mud painting we've been working on in our coats!

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: It's been quite a January so far. We've had a bit of snow, a lot of cold, some/a lot of rain, and two funerals. #1 is trying to get her work done and also drum up some new business so she can continue to spoil us in the style we have come to consider normal. As you can imagine, I offer full support:

Absolutely nothing gets done without me around here!

And I have an apprentice!

Even when I'm enjoying my beauty sleep!

Monday 22 January 2024

Manly Monday: Ollie's Fifth Gotcha Day


Ollie: Can you believe that I have been part of the Poupounette Family for five whole year s? I don't know where the time has gone! I love it here, and I also love my #2. Mr. G! I am one lucky pup, don't you think? Oh, and I also love my kitties, and my #1!

Here are some pics from January 2019:

The day I came home. Ms. A, Tommy's breeder, came with #1 to pick me up:

I went to visit Dr. C for the first time the next day for a check-up. #1 made sure I wasn't scared:

I was a little guy back then!

I met Fernant who became my mentor and best friend:

Sadly, both Ms. A and Fernant are gone now, but I still have my #1 and Mr. G!

The next lot of photos are from January of this year. Life has been good to me.