Thursday 11 January 2024

Thankful Thursday


Momo-Chan: Did you know that I was a Snow King in disguise? I was finally able to reveal my true identity to my family on Tuesday morning, when we woke up to a blanket of fresh snow. We kitties were just as keen as Ollie to go outside and so #1 opened the door to the cat run:

Like all kings, I required attendants and I am happy to report that my little Dragon Squire, Ryū,  obliged:

Even Benny (who was the famous warrior monk Benkei in another life) joined us!

We are all thankful for the snow. Even though it is very cold, all we need to do is go through the cat flap to regain our heated and comfy quarters!


  1. I Was shocked to see you out in the snow for some reason in my head I never thought about that Cats would love snow but when I think about it Cats did Cats Wildcats do live outside I love it. You all have the best of both worlds are comfy cozy heat and you’re nice snowy cold. Lol if you lay down nobody would know you are there you blend right in

  2. You are indeed the Snow King, Momo, and Ryū looks an excellent tree climber.

  3. What a fun time you all had! And knowing warmth awaits inside.

  4. A Siberian Marshmallow!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - our weekend is oh so close - when my #1 leaves this morning, she'll say 'when I come home it's our weekend'

  5. You kitty boys look like you had fun outside in the snow. We love snow but haven't gotten much yet this season.

  6. Charlee: "You can both be camouflaged out there if you choose the right hiding places!"

  7. Well, mama keeps me in lately because we have RAIN and cold and although I have a nice fur coat to wear, I get chilly pretty quickly. LOVE the Snow King, so beautiful is he. We bow down!

  8. That last comment was from LOULOU and I don't know why I am not on your site as Loulou but as anonymous. Am fixing that.

  9. Hokey Smokes, Momo-Chan!
    You ARE The Snow King!!!!!

  10. I love seeing alll of you out there showing your strength and baldness! XXX

  11. It looks like you all had fun outside, King Momo ! Purrs

  12. That explains it Momo, we always knew you were a Royal.

  13. Everyone in the realm looks wonderful!!

  14. So little snow! What you have looks pretty. What I have is deeper than I am tall! Plus it is snowing again today.


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