Thursday 25 January 2024

Thankful Thursday


Ryū-Chan: As you know, I have been taking lessons from Queen Tama on how to be helpful to #1. She has the work aspect pretty much covered so I have been looking into other ways to help. I was very happy to be able to offer full supervision services when our nice neighbour Mr. P came over a couple of days ago to replace the shower/bath thermostat mixer for #1.

It is always polite to greet people properly when they arrive:

I then examined the new fixture to make sure it was the right one:

And I supervised the installation process:

I am happy to tell you that everything is working perfectly. In case you were wondering, Mr. P is one of those awesome people who can do everything. He built their house himself and is a dab hand at everything from roofing to plastering and plumbing!


  1. yay for your mr.p... and a big thank you

  2. It is nice to have a neighbour like that, and I am sure he was glad of your helpful supervision.

  3. Ryū-Chan you did an excellent job supervising!
    How lucky you are for having such a handy–man neighbor.
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. we could sure use Mr P or someone like him here. You are a great assistant/apprentice. when you are changed we have work to be done.

  5. Well done Ryu-Chan!
    Well done Mr P!

  6. He could only have done a great job 'cause you were such a helper.

  7. Ryū-Chan, another excellent job of snoopervising!

  8. Well done !

    BTW, we are starting our list -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - I can't believe you need to be encouraged to eat - my #1 chuckles each time we feeds me- I do a cute little Heeler Dance - and makes #1 smile thinking of NAL's ballet jumps for hers!

  9. Purrfect supervising Ryu-Chan and yay for having a neighbour like that😸😺Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you🐾😽💞

  10. Chaplin: "People. Pffft. If it's not somebody with a lap, I'm not interested."
    Charlee: "Greet people when they arrive?! Sorry, nope, somebody else here is going to have to take that job. Maybe the dogs."
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, not me! Unless by 'greet' you mean 'bark'."
    Lulu: "Are they coming to give me belly rubs?"
    Oona: "Oona will do it!"

  11. Well of course he did that job. He's an Abyssinian. (I may have to ask Mr P to move in next to me)

  12. You are a purrfect supervisor! I wish I could do any of that, but I can't, I have to hire it all done.

  13. I have read your work and you have done excellent work.

  14. Oh, what a SUPER visor, and I am sure Mr P was thrilled to have help.

  15. You did an excellent job supervising, Ryu-Chan. It sure is nice to have a handy neighbor like that and it's obvious he likes cats too!

  16. Great job supervising, Ryu. And how wonderful to have a handyman who can help out so well.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and timber


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