Sunday 30 June 2019

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: The worst of the heat is supposed to be over from tomorrow. Phew! It's been quite something.

We ave a few SoS pics from before #1 left. Let me start wth me enjoying #1's lap:

Genji glued to #1:

A selfie #1 took with Ollie:

By the way, today is Ollie's 8th Monthday! We have been taking pics every month to show his growth. This one was taken last Tuesday, the day he went to Normandy:

It was also with immense sadness that we learned that one of our all-time favourite cats, BINGA of Sparkle Cat Blog, has gone to the Bridge. She was one hell of a Tortie. We will remember you, Binga.

Saturday 29 June 2019

Suffocating Saturday

Tama-Chan: This week, as Sei-Chan & Co are very busy accompanying #1, I thought I would take the opportunity to do another blog post myself. You may know that Europe has been going through a terrible heatwave. Some parts of France have been experiencing temperatures of 45°C (110°F). Over here, it's only been around 35-37°C (95 to 100°F). Lucky #1 and her entourage are in England, where it's been a lot cooler. Ollie is in Normandy, near the coast. But we are in the thick of it. The good thing is that we do have several fans, and the downstairs in our house is half underground which ake sit cooler, and we have terracotta tiles on the floor.

So, here are a few pics that Mr. G has sent #1:

By the way, today is our 11th BLOGOVERSARY! We almost forgot in all this heat. You can find the very first post by Sen-Chan and Tommy here. The blog started with Sen-Chan and Tommy. Then came Tama-Chan and soon after, we lost Sen-Chan. Then came Sei-Chan, and a few months later, Yuu-Chan who was only with us for a short year. Next to join the gang was Vidock. Then Tama had her kits and Da Beebs chose to stay. Then came Violette, followed by Genji. We have lost too many over the years but are happy that Ollie joined us this year.

Friday 28 June 2019

Family Friday

Genji: When #1 goes away, things are different. My buddy Ollie has gone off to Tommy's family, so it's just me and Tama with Mr. G. But of course, family stays family through thick and thin, and even when we are not all together, we are still a family!

Here are Queen Tama and Ollie relaxing together in the kitchen:

Violette's Mama, Hotesse, and her sister, Heloise:

Me with my buddy Ollie:

Me hanging out at the kitchen window with Queen Tama:

We can't wait to be all together again after #1 gets back!

Thursday 27 June 2019

Ollie's Thankful Thursday

Ollie: Woofs, Everyone! I am having a great time here in Normandy! The girls have so many tales to tell me of their brother, TOWCB, Tommy! I have pretty huge paws to fill...

I have to say, though, I am trying my very best. So, here is a pic of Tommy taken when he was five and a half months old:

And here are a couple of me at seven and a half months old:

Here is Tommy at eight months old:

And here I am, at almost eight months old:

I am thankful that I had such a wise and wonderful predecessor who is guiding me as I grow up!

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Wednesday Whinnies

Violette: We would like to start by wishing #1 a safe trip. She is apparently going to be seeing quite a few horsies as she will be attending the British Percheron Horse Society's annual breed show on Saturday. She says none will be as beautiful as us, though!

See what I mean?

Vidock: And here is a little more of what you fancy!

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Tama-Chan Tuesday

Tama-Chan: First of all, thank you for all the nice comments about my video on Sunday! I was pleased to be able to share it with you.

Life has been peaceful around here, and now it is getting warmer too! We will miss #1 when she is away, but we think she does need a holiday, so we are glad she is going, and of course. Mr. G will be looking after us. #1 says she will try to keep us blogging, and Mr. G has promised to send photos regularly.

Here is a shot of me enjoying the cat run:

I have been in a relaxed frame of mind and here I am, doing some upward dangles:

#1 also managed to catch my lovely green eyes:

By the way, #1 decided we should have some nice new bowls. She always brings them back for us from Japan, Here they are:

I shall end for today with this nice snooze pic:

Monday 24 June 2019

Manly Monday

Vidock; handsome Neighs, EveryFriend! The Big V here. Summer has finally come to our neck of the woods and it is HOT! But we have some lovely shade in our field, some of which happens to be under the cherry tree which has lots of yummy cherries in it!

#1 has come to see us quite regularly over the past week, as she is going away, to England, again on Wednesday. She says this will be her summer holiday, and she really feels the need for one, so I guess it's OK. Here is a nice half sunpuddle shot of me:

Apparently, on Facebook, there is a page of photos called "Through a Horse's Eras". Maybe we should also start one called "Through a Horse's Legs"?:

Genji: #1 took this shot of m at the window in the kitchen when I was lizard watching:

And here I am, hanging out with my OllieBro in the living room:

 Ollie: As you know, #1 is going away on Wednesday and I mentioned that I was going to have an exciting adventure. Well, tomorrow, #1 is driving me to a half-way point and Ms. A is coming to meet me! I am going to be staying with Tommy's family, his sisters Sophie, Elsie and Lydia, and little Georgie who comes from the same breeder as me! #1 has told me that I am going to have so much fun with them and I am sure she's right!

In the meantime, here is a close-up of me with a little hoppity bug on my nose:

And one of me hanging out with my friend, Noelle:

We hope you all have a great week!

Sunday 23 June 2019

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: I am continuing my new incarnation as the world's snuggliest cat, and #1 is loving every minute of it! And this time I have proof in the shape of a video! Take a look at this:

I also have some pics for you:

I have even been supervising Genji's snuggles with #1:

Here is a nice shot of Ollie snuggling with #1:

And Ollie photobombed #1's snuggle with The Big V!

 Last for today is #1 snuggling with Miss Violette:

Wishing you all a very snuggly Sunday!

Saturday 22 June 2019

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday

Rainbow Sei: I gather that #1 is planning to go off again next week. She really is incorrigible. As you know, those of us here at the Bridge go with her wherever she goes, so she won't be lonely.

Today, I thought I would go back to the "this time way back when" concept, and show you some photos taken in the month of June. Let us start with Ikkyu. Here he is, in 2004, on the same seat of the sofa that Tama enjoys so much these days!

Here is Sen-Chan on the back of the same sofa in June 2008:

And here am I, in the then newly-built, smaller cat run in June 2009:

Yuu-Chan in the cat run in June 2010:

 And still baby Beebsy, also in June 2010:

 Tommy in the grass in June 2011:

And Trav on his mattress in June 2015:

 We wish you a good weekend. We need to get ready to accompany #1!

Friday 21 June 2019

Feminine Friday...

Tama-Chan: After years of this Manly Monday business, Violette and I have decided that it's high time we evened things out, and thus should have an occasional Feminine Friday post.

Let me start with these lovely shots of Miss Violette:

And here I am, relaxing on the sofa:

In a half-sunpuddle:

I hope you enjoyed seeing just us girls today! To finish up, we thought we would include a pic of our #1, who is after all also a girl, in traditional Japanese festival garb, at the exhibition on Japanese draft horses she organised when she was away in Bordeaux:

PS: Happy first day of summer!

Thursday 20 June 2019

Terrific Thankful Thursday!

Ollie: Woofs Everyone! Ollie here! My life is pretty fun at the moment and I wanted to share some pics with you.

There are sticks!

There are wonderfully crunchy plastic bottles!

There is exploring up the lane:

There are lazy mornings in bed!

#1 says I am looking more and more like a grown-up. She took this portrait of me:

I will be 8 months old at the end of the month! I am thankful for my life!