Saturday 30 September 2023

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday


Rainbow Sei: I had to file a (tiny) complaint with #1 because we had not had a post for a while and she is now busy again with her guest. She apologised profusely but said she simply had no time to go up to her desktop and look for the older pics of us, so we compromised. There will be a post today but it will only feature pics post-2017. We'll try and get back to normal next weekend!

Let us start with a pic of the one and only Da Beebs!

And a refreshing one of Tommy and his ever-present ball!

Our lovely little Genji:

Me guarding #1's desk chair:

Here is a nice one of Tommy and Fernant. They are having a great time playing together again at the Bridge.

We wanted to share this one of Mr. G and Tora-Chan, our cousin. It's great to have him here with us although we know how much he is missed, like all of us.

Our Trav:

And our gorgeous matriarch, Hotesse:

Friday 29 September 2023

Feline Friday


Benny: So, we have a visitor who arrived yesterday and #1 is really busy with her, but we told her she had to post today, even if it is late, so here are some nice pics of us:

I'll start with me at the window. Mr. G had closed it whilst #1 was away but it's now open again, because it's gotten warmer again!

Here is my little bro, Momo. This could almost be a Frootbat Friday pic!

Here is baby Ryū looking suspiciously like an Egyptian god!

And our Queen, Tama, enjoying some sun:

And we have one more pic for you today. There is a lovely Tortie girl called Marnie at the friend's #1 was staying last weekend, so here she is!

Thursday 28 September 2023

Momo on Thursday


Momo-Chan: Ever since #1 came back on Sunday night, she has been crazy busy and hasn't had much time to take photos of us. She has an old friend coming to stay for a few days tomorrow so she has been simultaneously catching up with work and trying to put some order into the house. The work has gone well, the cleaning less so... She says it's a losing battle between Ollie and me and all the fluff we generate.

Anymeow, We do have some nice photos of me so we thought we could do a post around me. I hope you like it!

As you know, I am a big fan of the sky hammock. This pic was actually taken by Mr. G.

I also love to spend time wrestling with my bro, Ryū. He is little but fierce!

#1 took this pic of me and we really love it! do you like it?

As you can see, my little buddy is always close by. I was practicing some dangles here:

Tuesday 26 September 2023

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: I feel like I keep repeating myself when I say that #1 is back, but it's been like that recently, hasn't it? She's back and then she's off again, and again, and again. And each and every time, I sing a song of joy on her return!

It can get to be quite exhausting, you know.

And then I need a nap.

So, the question is whether she is going away again. She mumbled something about having to go see her ophthalmologist in Paris next week and staying overnight with her cousin. Sigh...

Monday 25 September 2023

Manly Monday


Ollie: Just a quickie to let you know that #1 returned at 9pm last night and is exhausted. We have some pics taken by Mr. G to share with you today, and hope to return to regular programming tomorrow.

Me on a walk:

Momo and Ryū-Chan:


And The Big V sent in a pic too!

Have a great week, everyone!

Friday 22 September 2023

Violette & Co. Vendredi


Hello from Violette and Heloise!

Hello too from The Big V!

Thursday 21 September 2023

Thankful Thursday


The Chans: We are thankful that we get fed wonderful food several times a day, plus treats!

PS: #1 has gone off again, until Sunday evening, so our posts will be short and our commenting absent until then, Please bear with us!

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: I think it's been a while since I had a post of my own. It's been a busy time here as #1 has been away and I have also been away!

Let me start with a photo taken by Ms. H on one of our walks the week #1 was gone:

Ms. H and Mr. M were so nice to me but I must say that I missed #1 and my kitties! She is leaving again tomorrow but Mr. G will be looking after all of us so it won't be so bad, plus it's only for a few days this time!

Here are a couple of pics #1 took of me in the garden:

Here is a pic of me with two of my kitties, Momo and Ryū:

And lastly, one of me enjoying a nice sunpuddle:

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Tama- Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Welcome to the haven of calm that is my weekly post. I tell you, the house is alive with the sound of THOE at any and all times of day, as those boys chase each other as though their lives depended on it!

My pursuits are a great deal more genteel as behoves my status and years. As you know, I like to offer #1 support and assistance as she works:

I have previously mentioned that I don't mind spending time with the white flufflball:

He is a good boy although he does get a little excited when he's playing with his baby dragon!

Ultimately, it all comes down to being able to slumber in peace!

And doing the odd dangle when the fancy takes me!

Monday 18 September 2023

Manly Monday


Benny: Guess what appeared on the outer sill of one of our living room windows yesterday?

I could not believe my eyes! He looked like my long-lost cousin!

Momo went to wake up the baby, Ryū, who had been asleep.

And I explained to him about intruders!

But #1 said it was just Charlie who belongs to the nasty neighbours. They may be nasty but Charlie is a sweet kitty, she said.

Educating babies is a big job. They don't have much attention span.

Before I forget, here is a pic of Ollie:

And The Big V sent in one too!

Wishing you all a good week!