Benny: Meeeghrrrowwwwww, everyone! Have you forgotten all about us? It's been two whole weeks since we posted. Our scribe has been working totally crazy hours, basically 24/7, seven days a week. But we wanted to check in and say we are all fine. Mr. G is looking after us really well.
Friday, 30 July 2021
Frantic Friday!
Friday, 16 July 2021
Still Here on Friday!
Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends! Remember us? We are doing fine, but our scribe is working 12-16 hour days and that is why we have not been posting. Still, Mr. G and Ms. M have taken a bunch of photos of me and Benny, and Ms. C and a young friend who is also Ms. C have sent us pics of Ollie and Violette, so we thought we would do a mostly photo post for you.

Friday, 9 July 2021
Feline Friday
Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends! We apologise for being so quiet. Ever since she got out of quarantine, #1 has been really busy and so we have not posted. But Mr. G has been taking lots of great pics, so we thought it would be nice to do a Feline Friday post.
I had to yell at Benny when he got too close to my good time with Ms. N!
Sunday, 4 July 2021
Snuggles on Sunday
Tama-Chan: It seems strange to be sharing a SOS post in the absence of #1, but we do have a bunch of great pics taken by Mr, G and it would be a shame not to take advantage of them, so here we go!
Friday, 2 July 2021
Family Friday
Violette: Since today is Friday, #1 said that I should host this Family Friday post. Since the beginning of this week, Ollie has been with us Vs and Hs, and that has been fun. His little daughter, Lily, is quite something. It seems she has ambitions to become a football (soccer) player, although her parents don't seem that interested. And yes, that is a melon, which she stole from Ms.C!