Thursday 31 January 2013

Thinking Thursday

Genji: After reading some of the comments to our blogpsot of yesterday, about The Beebs being a Hot Mancat of the Blogosphere, I am contemplating how to go about making my own bid. Would it help that Tommy said he would lend me his pony?

That I am just as accomplished as The Beebs is at counter-surfing?

That I excel at manly tasks such as bringing in and putting away wood?

And that I have delicious pink ears (in homage to our friend Titus who went to the Bridge recently)

Wednesday 30 January 2013

The Beebs is a HOT MANCAT!

Bibi-Chan: At last, I, The Beebs, am being featured in HOT Mancats of the Blogosphere today!

So, Friends, Fans and Readers, do please go and check it out here. That is:

Your Devoted

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Tama's Thankful Thoughts on Tuesday

Tama-Chan: Firstly, I would like to thank our many, many friends who left sweet comments about Sei-Chan's birthday yesterday. It meant a lot to her, as did her mega-snuggle session with Tommy! She has a little birthday surprise for you but she will tell you about it herself come SEIturday.

I am informed by #1 that I am to be bundled off to Dr. C's later this week for my annual shots. This is not an experience I enjoy, but I also appreciate that it shows that #1 cares for us and wants us to be healthy, so I shall gird my loins, and hang on to my tail!

Now that the Christmas stuff is finally gone, the dining table is once again available for kitty lounging. That tart Genji likes to roll around on it, showing off his tummy, but I like a more demure pose:

Yesterday morning, we actually woke up to sunshine, blue skies and milder temperatures, so #1 gave me a real treat by serving up my breakfast as I like it best, al fresco!

Oh, and following the comments on the subject last week, #1 asked me to please post this photo, taking care to emphasise that the second mat was put in place before those comments!

Our last bit of thankfulness comes with paws still firmly crossed. We were all very worried over the last few days because we heard that our buddy in Prince Edward Island, Leo, was very sick. You may remember Leo from #1's blog posts of last summer. He is a Springer, like our Tommy:


Leo is young, goofy, sweet, and all-around adorable, and we were all so sad when we heard how sick he was, with blood in the lungs and virtually no platelet count. He was being taken care of at Atlantic Veterinary College (the big veterinary school) and even they suggested the kindest thing might be to help him to the Bridge. But Ms. K believed in her boy and today, he is home, his lung looking much better and his platelet count on its way back up rapidly. Hang in there, Leo! We're all rooting for you and want you to be 100% better soon!

Monday 28 January 2013

SEIlebrating My Fourth Birthday!

Sei-Chan: Today is my FOURTH BIRTHDAY, Dear Friends! I can't believe that I am already four years old! I moved in to Poupounette Central with my Mama, Viña del Mar, when I was about four weeks old, and I have been here ever since.

We will follow the tradition of a walk through my life so far. Here I am at not quite five weeks old:

And at five weeks, with my Mama Viña:

#1 tells me I was a real cutie!

Here I am at three months, helping Tommy eat his dinner:

I have always loved my sister Tama:

And Tommy and I have always had a special relationship:

Here I am at one year old:

Two years old (with Tama)

Three years old:

And here is my official Four Years Old Portrait!

Unlike some of the others, I have never tried to run out of the front door, but I do enjoy spending time in the run when the weather is fine:

I am a rather timid girl and get scared easily, but I love my family and love hanging out with #1!

I also love the fact that we have made friends with so many of you all around the globe, both kitties and woofies, and even some horses and donkeys!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SEI-SEI, FROM YOUR LOVING FAMILY, #1, Tommy, Tama, The Beebs, Genj, ViVi and Violette

Sunday 27 January 2013

Snuggles on Sunday!

Tama-Chan: There have been some great photo shoots this week but #1 says it hasn't been that great a week for snuggle pics, and she would like me to apologise on her behalf. I of course did my bit and snuggled with Tommy

This week, Genji concentrated on snuggling with #1 (maybe he was doing it so much she didn't have time to take pics of the rest of us?!). Anyway, here he is, first on #1's lap:

And then climbing up into her arms:

Sei-Chan did some snuggling with #1 too!

Amazingly, we don't have a photo of her snugging with Tommy this week!

Here is my Beebs giving #1 a somewhat stern-looking snuggle first thing in the morning:

And Big Boy Vidock is always ready for a snuggle!

OK, we don't have an actual snuggle pic with Violette, but here she is coming over to give #1 one!

And I think that's all of us. Phew! We managed to get pics of everyone in!

Please don't forget to join us tomorrow to celebrate sweet Sei-Chan's fourth birthday!

Saturday 26 January 2013


Sei-Chan: as you can see, I am back to my regular programming this week, and I am happy to say that #1 has been taking some nice photos of me. Now Dear Friends, this being the coldest time of the year and all that, you will appreciate that it is only logical that I should spend as much time as possible in sweet slumbers... I recently located a new optimal site for these, atop one of the radiators in the living room, where #1 has kindly placed a little mat:

Do you like my pawsitioning? And my perfect pink pawpads?

When #1 looked at that photo, she immediately grabbed me and gave me a pawdicure...

She finally took down the Christmas tree. I tried to  supervise but, frankly, I have had more fascinating jobs.

Well, HELLO there!

Here I am in my other favourite spot of the moment, the hammock hanging on the radiator in the study:

Close-up, anyone?

Oh, and guess who has a birthday on Monday?????

Friday 25 January 2013

Violette and Vidock Vendredi

Violette: With all that snow last weekend and early this week, #1 missed coming to see us for a few days, but when she came, we got lots of yummy treats!

I smacked my lips in delight!

And posed for #1 who told me how lovely I was!

She is particularly pleased with the way my mane is growing back in. It had gone a little ratty last summer when I got a bit itchy, but it's beginning to look splendid again!

Vidock: I got treats too!

Thanks, #1!

#1 finds this photo quite funny. It shows me and Mr. L walking very gingerly on potentially slippery ground when it was still snowy. Well, we didn't want to fall, did we?

Thursday 24 January 2013

Thankful Thursday

Tom: We have a lot of things to be thankful for today, and would like to start off with a rescue story which shows what can be done with social media and a lot of heart. #1 likes a page on FaceBook called Iron Gait Percherons. It's a rescue organisation in the States for all horses but principally Percherons. A little while ago she read a notice on the page saying that there was a horse that needed to be rescued in Virginia and transported to their location in Georgia. We happen to have very good friends in Virginia who have rescue Percherons, and so #1 contacted them, they contacted Iron Gait, #1 then sent an official note from the French Percheron Horse Society, and the transport was arranged! Over the weekend, Mr. O drove 2000km (1,250 miles) over 2 days to collect Snowman and take him to his new home.

It just goes to show what we can do if we try, even across the oceans! Much kudos to Mr. O, seen in this photo with a younger Vidock, in September 2011:

Their home is full of rescue animals of all sizes!

Genji: In other news, I am very grateful for our sky hammocks although, for some bizarre reason, #1 finds my use of them a little peculiar:. So here I am in one:

You can't see me? Well of course you can't see me! I, Genji the Shining Prince, sleep inside the hammock, not on it!!! I believe it's known as "cocooning".....

We got our stuff from Nip and Bones today, and Sei-Chan was very thankful to receive her new Beastie Band collar!

It has Chinese characters on it, and the one you can see is the one for happiness!

Tom: I am thankful that I can play with my ball again, now that the snow is gone. When there's snow, the ball tends to get lost...

And Tama-Chan is thankful that #1 cleared her desk somewhat so she can sit on the boogie mat in front of the Mac and supervise at eye level: