Friday 30 September 2011

Family and Fun on Friday

Phew! Life is beginning to return to normal and we are SO happy! #1 is spending quality time with us and we are once again getting our bedtime treats, an occasion when all of us gather in the bedroom with her!

And mornings are warm and snuggly again, as they should be!

In case you're wondering, Gen-Chan is sitting on #1's shoulder in this photo. He does that a lot.

As for the fun, we were very happy, and honoured, earlier this week to receive the NOTEWORTHY ARCHIVE BLOG award from our friends Simba and Audrey over at Simba's Antics

Thank you, Simba and Audrey! We would like to pass on this award to our friends San and The Amigos over at Cat Tales. Aside from chronicling their lives in exotic Singapore, this blog's great archival value comes from San's description of how she helped her cat Megat overcome lymphoma using a combination of western, Chinese and herbal medicine, and is now helping Totoro deal with kidney issues. In fact, it is a combo of three blogs as Megat has one called "Journey into Life" with many more details on his treatment, and there is also "My Cat Totoro" that follows his treatment. A great inspiration.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Thwack on Thursday!

: I got me an Australian stock whip and I'm learning how to use it!

The way I see it, it will be a perfect accessory to keep #1 IN the house!!! I promised the others I would teach them once I have it figured out.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Together Again!

My apologies for the lack of post yesterday. #1 (and Tommy!) left at 8:45am and returned at 8:45pm and was too wiped out. The good news is that her back is better and that her world congress related responsibilities have now all been successfully fulfilled. She is ours again!

Last night, I decided to make my sheer happiness felt in a most unusual way: I hopped onto the bed.

You know that being Queen, I never normally share the bed with anyone... but Bibi is my son after all.

But when that little pipsqueak Genji hopped on as well, I decided that enough was enough, and returned to my own chambers...

#1 would like to thank all of you for your moral support and kind words during this hugely busy time for her. The Percheron World Congress was a huge success, with glorious weather and 55,000 visitors over the weekend.

Monday 26 September 2011

Mad Monday....

: Hi everyone. Tommy here. #1 is back with us but she has a sore back (still, sciatica), and is suffering from utter exhaustion. She is still taking our American and Canadian visitors on breeder visits, so she is not feeling very creative today. But we thought it would be nice to share some photos of her and Vidock together at the Percheron World Congress.

Other than #1, Vidock and me, you will see in the pictures Ms. A who looked after us when #1 was away, and also Cora, who is my aunt!

Sunday 25 September 2011

Showtime Sunday!

#1 here again. It has been another hugely busy day, made no easier by a very sore back at my end. I am back in my room and all drugged up but wanted to share a few pictures from today with all of you.

Mare and her foal waiting to be presented:

Professional logger Christine Sallé, strutting her stuff at the Congress!

The Australian vaulters from Kamilaroi Equestrian on Lakes Titan:

Notredam de Prainville on her way to the track to win yet another race:

Quick du Plessis, who won the heavy pull:

Spectacular unicorn hitch presented by David Curtis of Middleton Percherons (UK):

General haulage turnout from 1893 driven by Emma Scotney (UK) who came equal first in the trade and prestige turnouts. The horse, Willingham Randy (nicknamed Andy) became a particular favourite of mine:

Spectacular 1903 St. Giles steam fire engine, driven by the McDermott family (UK)

Wonderful 16-horse carousel:

The horses in what is called a family presentation, with only mares who are related:

Saturday 24 September 2011

So-So Saturday

: Neigh, Dear Friends. Thanks so much for all your warm wishes for my big day today. Unfortunately, things didn't go that well for me this time around, and I did not qualify as a breeding stallion at this stage (I can try again next year). I discussed it with #1 and she said that a lot of us who had done really well at the pre-qualifier saw their marks slashed for no reason she could fathom.

#1 is being very nice to me and told me that I was her absolute best boy no matter what. She told me I was good as gold for the two and a half hours we had to stand around waiting our turn (French time-keeping is NOT an exact science...). We then had to wait more than another hour for the recall. We did have visitors duringthat wait time, however!

Yes! Tommy came to give me moral support!

Here are some photos that #1 took when I was being presented:

I don't look too bad, do I? Anyway, tomorrow is another day. The weather has been fabulous and the congress a huge success. #1 is so tired she can barely stand and is running entirely on adrenalin. She promises to have lots more photos soon!

My Big Day!

: Neigh everyone! Today is my big day at last, so could you all spare some purrs, woofs and crossed paws for me?

That picture was taken yesterday evening in my box.

I will do my best today. #1 has told me repeatedly that she will love me just as much, even if I don't do hugely well, and I of course believe her. But I will try my best and hope the judges will like me!

Friday 23 September 2011

The Pre-Show!

#1 here, reporting from the Percheron World Congress which gets under way today with the conference organised by yours truly. Yesterday was mainly a day for arrivals and settling in, but as the English teams had arrived the previous afternoon, they were available to accept an invitation to take part in the traditional Thursday afternoon presentation at the Haras du Pin. Here are some pics from that:

The 2011 British Champion Percheron Stallion, Willingham Hempsall II:

An 1893 vegetable cart:

A 1911 boat wagon (the blue bit could actually be lifted off and used as a boat!)

A sporty modern wagonette:

A unicorn hitch (one horse in front and two behind) pulling a dray from 1900, on their way back to the stables after the show:

I was riding in the vegetable cart which is how I got such a good shot!

Going off in a totally different direction, I also wanted to mention that today marks one year since sweet Yuu-Chan left us to go to the Bridge. We all still miss him so very much. In memory of his beloved presence, I am wearing his last collar as a bracelet over this weekend. I will never forget you, my soulful boy:

Thursday 22 September 2011

Thankful Thursday

The Gang here! We are thankful that #1 managed to get away safely and has arrived at the Haras du Pin where she welcomed the entire English delegation this evening. They came in impressive vehicles!

#1 says she is thankful that she has an Internet connection where she is staying, so she will be able to post about the congress!

We are also thankful that Ms. A and Tommy's cousin Cora arrived to look after all of us whilst #1 is away! She has promised to dish out food, walks and cuddles!

And we are thankful, today and every day, to have each other!

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Wild Wednesday!

Neeeeeeigh, everyone! I am in the final stages of training for the Percheron World Congress. What do you think?

Tee Hee Hee... That was me having a bit of fun! Here I am looking serious:

It's actually the first time I've had shoes on all four feet. It feels a bit funny!

#1 is leaving for the congress location, the French National Stud at Haras du Pin, this afternoon and she will be staying on-site until Sunday night. I leave on Thursday with my big brother (stallion) Tom and the six other horses going from here. The wonderful Ms. A is arriving today to look after Tommy and the Chans, and she has even promised to bring Tommy up to see me and #1 on Sunday! #1 says she has no idea what kind of Internet connection she will have and whether she will have any time at all to post, but if she can, she will do so and share some of the fun with all of you.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Monday 19 September 2011

Man(l)ic Monday!

: Peek-a-Boo!

#1 who seems seriously stressed out, tells me this is MY week! Isn't that fun?

I got a mani-pedi this morning, and a new pair of shoes. Guess what? I have grown and gone up one size of shoe since last time!

Tom: I have been supervising Vidock care!

Bibi-Chan & Gen-Chan: What do you mean it's Monday morning? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........

Sunday 18 September 2011

Insane Snuggles on Sunday!

Well, sad as it is, we have no choice but to downgrade yesterday's evaluation of #1's mental fitness, following her attempt to brush her teeth with Bengay (for those who do not know it, it is a cream for muscle pain...). Plus the fact that she invited a dozen people to dinner last night. OK, they were the Aussie vaulting team and associated friends, but really! Dinner for 12 in the midst of this madness? It was of course a roaring success, mainly thanks to our unparallelled entertaining skills.

Tommy says he would like to demonstrate how to truly enjoy an evening at home with guests. We were delighted that Ms. L, one of our most favourite people, was among yesterday's group!

As for snuggling, we are happy to be able to feature my Bibi today, having a major snuggle with Tommy:

This is not quite a snuggle but her are Bibi and Genji on the bed, before it degenerated into the usual wrestling match:

Gen-Chan continues to spend a lot of time, more and more she says, snuggling with #1:

And here is a photo of #1 with our BIG brother Vidock. His big moment is coming up as he is off to the Percheron World Congress. You will doubtless be hearing from him quite a bit next week.

And to conclude today's post, here I am, working hard to reduce #1's blood pressure: