And mornings are warm and snuggly again, as they should be!
In case you're wondering, Gen-Chan is sitting on #1's shoulder in this photo. He does that a lot.
As for the fun, we were very happy, and honoured, earlier this week to receive the NOTEWORTHY ARCHIVE BLOG award from our friends Simba and Audrey over at Simba's Antics
Thank you, Simba and Audrey! We would like to pass on this award to our friends San and The Amigos over at Cat Tales. Aside from chronicling their lives in exotic Singapore, this blog's great archival value comes from San's description of how she helped her cat Megat overcome lymphoma using a combination of western, Chinese and herbal medicine, and is now helping Totoro deal with kidney issues. In fact, it is a combo of three blogs as Megat has one called "Journey into Life" with many more details on his treatment, and there is also "My Cat Totoro" that follows his treatment. A great inspiration.