Tuesday 21 May 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends, and welcome to my day of the week! Benny explained to you that # is going to be busy this week but (1) she will be here at night and (2) we will have guests and so more petting! I am happy to report that I have been good about taking my meds once #1 had figured it all out. I get my Zylkene with my breakfast, mixed in with yummy wet food. I get the Hyaloral gel syringed into my mouth late morning, and #1 has a Churu ready to put in front of me to remove the taste. It's working well and I am crossing paws that it will lubricate my old joints! We have had no more "unfortunate accidents" in the past week.

I continue to help/advise #1 with her work:

Here I am on my favourite kitchen chair, from where I can see the outside:

And then #1 gifted me with a new collar. It's a traditional Japanese cat collar with a beautiful bell on it. It's very soft and comfortable and I like it!

The youngsters continue to hang around me. I mostly tolerate them but that little Dragon is now a teenager and not always well-behaved!

I relax as well as I can. See Ollie woofie in the background?

Monday 20 May 2024

Manly Monday


Benny: MeeYOW! Benny here! How are you all doing? We've been getting strange weather with some sunpuddles, some big rain, and some thunderboomies. It's going to be another busy week here at Poupounette Central. We have guests arriving from Scotland tomorrow, looking to buy some big horses. So, Wednesday and Thursday, #1 is going to be mostly gone with them, from early morning to late evening. Thank goodness Mr. G will make sure that we are looked after!

#1 has taken some really nice pics of me recently and I thought I would share a few with you:

It looks like little Ryū was getting a lot of Bridge visitors last week!

And he managed to catch some good sunpuddles.

Mr. G took this one of Momo in the cat run. #1 says he looks like a wise Chinese sage!

Fluff Puff!

Here are all three of us boys, waiting for our morning treats:

We LOVE this one of Ollie and the girls at Ms. C's. Don't you think that Ollie and Lily have the exact same expression and smile?

Last but not least, The Big V sent us a nice pic of him with his fancy carriage yesterday:

Wishing you all a good week! We'll try to post but not sure yet, and we'll probably be mostly MIA from commenting on Wednesday and Thursday.

Sunday 19 May 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends, and welcome to our SoS post. I have had quite the week, after my vet visit and adjusting to the various things that #1 has tried to sneak into my food. I have more or less been taking it, but #1 is not satisfied with that, so she ordered a gel version of the Hyaloral and she says that will be going directly into my mouth but has promised to follow it with a Churu. We'll let you know how that goes.

So.... snuggle pics... Let me start with this one of me and #1:

Mr. G took pics of #1 with the three boys, starting with Ryū:

Then Benny:

And Momo:

As well as Ollie:

He also took this nice pic of Ollie and Momo:

One of Ollie and Benny:

And this one of Ryū and Benny:

This one of Ollie and Ryu isn't bad either!

#1 did get to see the horses a couple of times over the past week, and Ms. C took a couple of nice pics of Heloise and Violette:

Wishing you all a lovely and snuggly Sunday!

Saturday 18 May 2024

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday


Rainbow Sei: Greetings from The Bridge! I hope you have all been doing well. We have been hard at work helping new arrivals to settle in, and are hoping for a quieter time over the summer.

I have a full complement of pics for you this week, and #1 and I chose sleeping as the overall theme for our post. I hope you enjoy it!

Let's start with Ikkyu, way back in 2003. That's almost 30 years ago!

Next up is Sen-Chan, in 2008:

From 2009, we have this one of Yuu-Chan:

And the utter cuteness of our Tommy with little me:

Fast forward to 2015, and Da Beebs:

Trav in 2016:

And Genji in 2017:

We don't have one of Hotesse sleeping, but we think that this one of her is very evocative:

We hope you enjoyed this week's photo selection, and hope to see you next week.

Friday 17 May 2024

Feline Friday


Momo-Chan: Sweet Meows, Everyone! It's me, "Fluff Puff" as #1 calls me. She has asked me to host this week's Feline Friday post, and I said I would be glad to do it. Let me start with a couple of nice pics that Mr. G took of me and my bro, Ryū, out in the cat run:

He also took this nice one of Ryū:

Mr. G also took a bunch of pics of me as I was relaxing in my hammick.

Next, we have a nice one of Benny in the cat run:

And one of him "in the bag"!

And here is an interesting one of Ryū and Benny doing some investigating together:

As for Queen Tama, she is getting used to her new regimen of supplements to keep her stress-free and loosen her joints. Here she is, catching a sunpuddle:

Thursday 16 May 2024

Tama's Thankful Thursday


Tama-Chan: It's me again, Dear Friends. #1 thought I should tell you about my vet visit on Tuesday, so here I am. She had been meaning to take me for a while but it didn't happen for a variety of reasons, and then I started having some, ahem, accidents, and she thought she needed to bite the bullet. She starved me, put me in the carrier, and off we went to Dr. C on Monday morning.

Dr. C started by weighing me. I am 4.5 kilos (10lb). This is 500 grammes less than last time I was there, almost four years ago, but Dr. C said it was a good weight for me. She then did all the usual palpating. My heart was beating fast (duh...) but no signs of a murmur or arrhythmia. The most obvious thing was a deterioration in muscle tone in my hind legs. Dr. C said that there were three possible causes. One was diabetes, another was thyroid issues, and the third was the old age/arthritis combo.

The next thing was to draw blood. I was so good whilst she did it. Did not even blink!

We got the results yesterday afternoon. No diabetes (although figures at the high end of the normal range) and no thyroid issues. And what is more, my kidneys, liver, and pancreas are quite simply perfect! How about that? Anything that was slightly elevated was, according to Dr. C, as a result of the regular prednisone I take for my allergies. All in all, a pretty excellent result!!!

Dr. C concluded that my "issues" were probably due to a combination of anxiety and arthritis. The anxiety is likely to be exacerbated by #1's absences, the rambunctiousness of the three boys, and my own arthritis. So... she has put me on a two month course of Zylkene. Do you know Zylkene? It's pretty good stuff and we hope it will help me relax more. For the arthritis, she prescribed Seraquin, which is a combination of Glucosamine, Chondroitin and Turmeric, saying that she had never come across a cat who disliked it. Well.... I do. I have refused to touch anything tainted with the ground-up powder. Next, #1 is going to try ground-up Hyalurol to see if it is more palatable to me. Could I ask any of you with any experience in arthritis in older cats to give us a shout and tell us what might have worked for you? We are aware of NSAIDs and Solensia, but would like to go with a softer touch for as long as possible. 

So, overall, much to be thankful for. For a mature queen who will be 16 in a few months, I am in pretty good shape. #1 says she truly empathises on the arthritis front and will do do whatever she can to give me back a little more mobility.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: Woofs, Everyone! Ollie here! I haven't done a post in a while so I thought it would fun to catch up. As you know, #1 has been away quite a bit lately, but I always have a good time with Mr. G and I get to see the two lab girls he looks after!

Lately, #1 has enjoyed taking pics of me and flowers:

And then I came up with my own decoration!

To close, here is a nice pic Mr. G took of me hanging with my bro, Momo:

And one #1 took with my baby bro, Ryū, who really likes to play with my tail: