Friday 31 May 2024

Feline Friday


Benny: #1 said I could host this week because I am such a lovely and loving boy when I'm not being a thug... 

I think I'll start with this nice pic of me and my bro, Momo, looking at something interesting:

Although Momo tends to get easily distracted!

Here he is with Ryū. Those two love to wrestle!

And Queen Tama looks at us with this expression on her face...

That last pic was taken by Mr. G.

Have a great Friday, everyone!

Thursday 30 May 2024

Thankful Thursday


Ryū-Chan: Meows, everyone! It's Ryū-çhan, everyone's favourite teenage Aby! I am very thankful today because #1 got me, sorry I mean us, a great new hammock that attaches to the French doors in the living room so it's possible to sit high up and look out. Mr. G and Ms. N were over yesterday, and Mr. G took some great pics of me:

I think it's going to be a favourite spot! Thanks, #1!

Wednesday 29 May 2024

White Wednesday!


Momo-Chan: Did you guess that I would be the one posting? #1 thought it might be fun to me to show off all my floof on a Wednesday. What do you think?

#1 says that I am the floofiest kitty ever!

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends! You know what the absolute best thing about this week is? #1 is here. All week! She is not going anywhere! Hurrah! By the way, several people asked whether our visitors last week bought any horses. Well, they chose a whole bunch of them but they are now doing genetic testing for a disease called pssm as they will only buy those who are negative, so we are waiting. There are also two other people for whom #1 is finding horses, and collecting mane hair for testing. We shall know more in a couple of weeks.

My little apprentice is now a teenager and he has become rather rowdy. I have had to use strong language with him more than once. But we still do spend quiet times together:

Anyway, I am just going to sit back, relax, and enjoy my week!

PS: I wanted to include a plug for a really yummy food I have been getting lately. Do you love Churu? This is made by the same company, Inaba Ciao from Japan, and is absolutely delicious. #1 ordered it specially for me from the UK and our friends brought it over. She mixes my Zylkene with it.

Monday 27 May 2024

Manly Monday


The Big V: Handsome Neighs, EveryFriend! I got some pics to #1 in time for today's post. Over the weekend, the fancy hotel I work at made a little PR movie and I was featured quite heavily in it (along with Toscane, of course!).

Almost ready to roll!

Look at my beautifully braided tail!

On the road!

Momo did some relaxing this weekend:

Here is Ollie "in clover":

Ryū has been helping #1 with her work:

And Benny has been practicing his dangling:

We also have a special guest this week. Our guests last week told us they have a gorgeous black farm cat whose name is... Ernie!

Ms. S even provided us with a kitten pic! He is the one in the middle!

Wishing you all a great week!

Sunday 26 May 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends! I hope this finds you well. We are settling back into our usual routine after that crazy week. Even though our guests were out and about most of the time with #1, looking for horses, we still managed to get in some snuggling with them!

Here I am with Mr.D:

Ryū-Chan getting an ear massage from Ms. S:

And me and Mr. D again. I really liked him!

And we also managed some snuggles with #1 and each other!

Benny on #1's bed in the morning:

A Benny/Ollie snuggle:

Ollie snuggling with #1 in bed:

Me with #1:

Momo and Ollie:

And last but not least, look who's snuggling with Ollie (hint: it's not me!):

Wishing you all a lovely and snuggly Sunday.

Saturday 25 May 2024

Saturday Surprise!


#1 here. It has been a crazy week and I am trying to recover from it and so behind on blogging and visiting blogs. I do have a sweet episode to recount from my days travelling around the countryside with my visitors from Scotland in search of Percherons to buy. The first thing that they bought is...

One of the Percheron breeders they visited also breeds Australian sheepdogs and they fell in love with this little girl.

Her name is Vaiana:and she is two months old.

My friend was quite besotted with her!

Friday 24 May 2024

Finally Friday!


Tama-Chan: It's been quite a few days. On both days, $1 was gone from early morning until close to midnight! They covered 950km (almost 600 miles) and visited eight breeders. She is exhausted, but our lovely guests have gone and #1 is HOME!!!

Thursday 23 May 2024

Thankful Thursday


Ryu-Chan: Oyez, Oyez, Oyez! As you know, #1 has been out and about. She left yesterday morning, with her friends, at 8:45am and returned at 11:30pm! It will probably be the same again today. So... we are thankful for Mr. G who made sure we had everything we needed, and that tomorrow, #1 will be back to being with us all day!

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Wednesday Whinnies With Vidock


The Big V: Handsome neighs, EveryFriend! The Big V here. On Monday, I showed you a nice pic of me with the beautiful carriage I pull in Honfleur with Toscane. Here are a couple more pics:

And here is a little video that Ms. A sent through to #1. I am on the left, from the driver's perspective. You can see how pretty Honfleur is, with its lovely little harbour.

I'm hoping that #1 will be able to come and visit me soon! I miss her carrots and apples!

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends, and welcome to my day of the week! Benny explained to you that # is going to be busy this week but (1) she will be here at night and (2) we will have guests and so more petting! I am happy to report that I have been good about taking my meds once #1 had figured it all out. I get my Zylkene with my breakfast, mixed in with yummy wet food. I get the Hyaloral gel syringed into my mouth late morning, and #1 has a Churu ready to put in front of me to remove the taste. It's working well and I am crossing paws that it will lubricate my old joints! We have had no more "unfortunate accidents" in the past week.

I continue to help/advise #1 with her work:

Here I am on my favourite kitchen chair, from where I can see the outside:

And then #1 gifted me with a new collar. It's a traditional Japanese cat collar with a beautiful bell on it. It's very soft and comfortable and I like it!

The youngsters continue to hang around me. I mostly tolerate them but that little Dragon is now a teenager and not always well-behaved!

I relax as well as I can. See Ollie woofie in the background?