Saturday 18 May 2024

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday


Rainbow Sei: Greetings from The Bridge! I hope you have all been doing well. We have been hard at work helping new arrivals to settle in, and are hoping for a quieter time over the summer.

I have a full complement of pics for you this week, and #1 and I chose sleeping as the overall theme for our post. I hope you enjoy it!

Let's start with Ikkyu, way back in 2003. That's almost 30 years ago!

Next up is Sen-Chan, in 2008:

From 2009, we have this one of Yuu-Chan:

And the utter cuteness of our Tommy with little me:

Fast forward to 2015, and Da Beebs:

Trav in 2016:

And Genji in 2017:

We don't have one of Hotesse sleeping, but we think that this one of her is very evocative:

We hope you enjoyed this week's photo selection, and hope to see you next week.


  1. I did enjoy seeing your angels. Yesterday I created a post with our angels, all rescue dogs, for Monday which is National Rescue Dogs Day... I love to look through my blog at all 6 of our angels. that is how many dogs we have had in 40 years of marriage

  2. Do not wake the sleeping Angels! What great collection of pictures.

  3. The Rainbow Bridge is surely filled with love and that love was brought along from their Earth Days -

    Please look for NAH - Staci S's special Dachshund -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - guess what? It's raining here too - we don't care but The Weather Babblers have The Humans doing their own babbling - we have a full morning of ROTE - My #1 is getting her furs cut - then we'll do Dawn's - then she's getting a COVID booster!

  4. Now I'm yawning and need a nap, Angels!

  5. Those are such sweet photos of you adorable Angels.

  6. You all were so sweet while napping.

  7. You must have a lot of photogrpahers on the payroll at your house

  8. Sweet slumbering kitties. Now you have made us want to take a snooze too:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Lulu: "You have such a beautiful crew up there over the Rainbow Bridge!"


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