Tuesday 21 May 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends, and welcome to my day of the week! Benny explained to you that # is going to be busy this week but (1) she will be here at night and (2) we will have guests and so more petting! I am happy to report that I have been good about taking my meds once #1 had figured it all out. I get my Zylkene with my breakfast, mixed in with yummy wet food. I get the Hyaloral gel syringed into my mouth late morning, and #1 has a Churu ready to put in front of me to remove the taste. It's working well and I am crossing paws that it will lubricate my old joints! We have had no more "unfortunate accidents" in the past week.

I continue to help/advise #1 with her work:

Here I am on my favourite kitchen chair, from where I can see the outside:

And then #1 gifted me with a new collar. It's a traditional Japanese cat collar with a beautiful bell on it. It's very soft and comfortable and I like it!

The youngsters continue to hang around me. I mostly tolerate them but that little Dragon is now a teenager and not always well-behaved!

I relax as well as I can. See Ollie woofie in the background?


  1. You are a very helpful kitty, Chan, and I love your new collar with the bell. Maybe I need to have a collar with a bell too?! You probably don't know this but my mom has quite the collar fettish. I've only been here 2 weeks and I already have 4 collars!

  2. Good news on the medicine goes down. Mary Poppins always said it goes down with a spoon full of sugar, but just fur hoomans.

  3. I am glad you are doing well with taking your medicine and hope it helps you. The new collar is very pretty.

  4. Ha ha on the teenager! Teens are hard to live with whether they're cats dogs or humans. Hang on they always grow up

  5. We are purry happy you've let your staff create a successful plan for your regimen!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - Khomfy back there?

  6. Glad for the stuff is working for you!

  7. In the end, you are ruling the roost, Tama-Chan!

  8. Hello
    just wanted to thank you for visiting us, and for your words of sympathy. Still missing my beautiful girl, but appreciated all the kind comments like yours.

  9. What a very pretty collar for one very special kitty!!! Good girl for cooperating with the meds. We sure hope they help you a lot.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. I sure am glad the meds seem to be working for you sweetest Tama. Such lovely photos!!!

  11. Tama you are helping yourself and 31 by being so good with your meds !

  12. You are so sweet to take your yucky medicine. It take a load off of mommy's mind.

  13. Java Bean: "We're glad to hear the medicine is working well for you! Rumor has it Dada has been trying to give me medicine because of my run-in with the snake, but I think he keeps forgetting to put the pill in when he brings me yummy extra helpings of canned food."
    Lulu: "Or maybe you just gobble it down and don't notice the pills."
    Java Bean: "Nooo, that can't be it."

  14. We are glad you’re doing well with the supplements Tama. You’re in good hands and paws as well. Love from us Just 3 Cats and san.

  15. You sure are keeping busy helping #1 and keeping the boys in check, Tama-Chan. That's a pretty collar #1 gave you.


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