Tuesday 14 May 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends. I hope you are well and enjoying the spring. Things have been a bit mad here, with #1 gone so much, but she says she is now here for a bit and not to worry. May I ask, however, for a few purrs to be sent my way? I have been having some issues with "inappropriate choice of locations" for certain bodily activities. #1 doesn't know what is causing it as my appetite remains excellent. But I am an older lady now, and she has been meaning to take me in for a check-up, so today is the day. I am being bundled off to see Dr. C late morning. Wish me luck! We'll update later if there is anything new to share.

As to photos, here is one taken by Mr. G whilst #1 was away:

It's always interesting to see who chooses to snooze on the back of the sofa above me. Yesterday it was the fluff puff, Momo:

And I have been showing #1 some very cute dangles!

UPDATE: I shall write in detail on Thursday but I wanted to let you know that I had an excellent vet visit! #1 heaved a huge sigh of relief!


  1. So sorry to hear you are having health issues and prayers for your vet visit and that the vet can figure out how to help you. you are the Best Dangler Ever..

  2. Being still a youngster, I don't quite understand, however, as mine Mommy is older-than-you-know-what, she says she absolutely does understand. She says we both will "do purrs" for you and hope your Dr C can help a bit ... (written by June, the cat)

  3. You are a handsome one, Tama-Chan and cross my paws that everything goes well for you at your vets! I love the picture of you on your back with your feets in the air!

  4. Dear Tama Chan, as a kitty who does not like the v-e-t, I am purring yer way fur a good visit. Please git home safe. Precious

  5. Paws khrossed for a successful 'venture to The Vet!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - make sure you see the silly KHAT that wanted milk at Mad Radish Farm!

  6. Poor Tama-Chan. I hope your vet visit is successful. Maybe check for a UTI infection? That can be an issue causing a change in litter box issues.
    Your dangles are very sweet, and Momo looks happy sleeping near you.

  7. You are looking as lovely as ever, Tama-Chan. We have our paws crossed that all goes well for your vet visit today.

  8. Oh Tama, I hope all is well and maybe just a little meds can help you out. Please update us, we love you beautiful girl.

  9. Great post and super photos, Tama. But the best part was the update. So happy it was a good visit.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. We've been worried all day, hooray for a good Vet visit!

  11. Tama we are just now getting here so are sending purrayers and Power of the Paw that the news from your vet continues to be good !

  12. We are sending prayers to your our friends and hope this is nothing more than a blip in your long life.

  13. Charlee: "Yay, we were worried, but we're glad to see you had a good vet visit! Sometimes it pays to visit a little late!"


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