Monday 13 May 2024

Manly Monday - Surprise WEIM guests!


#1 here again. I mentioned last week that I was going to have a surprise following my trip to Brittany. In fact, I stopped to have lunch with two very famous woofies known to their friends as DA PHENNY and DA NELLY from EASY BLOG! Yes, I visited the most famous of all Weims in their very own crib!  Now, as you know, they stopped blogging very suddenly a little while ago. I  will not go into any details but someone within the blogging world was really mean to them, and I hope this person rots for eternity in the innermost circle of hell. I did my best to convince them to return to blogging as we all miss them terribly. Let's see what happens. But in the interim, here is your dose of Wild Weims! Sorry some of the pics are a little blurry but those boys almost never stop moving!

I got to have one of their famous cakes!!! It was delicious!

It was so much fun to meet them and spend a little time with them. I hope to return soon! Thanks for your hospitality!


  1. Why would any sane anthro be mean to anyone bogging about weims! Mama had one years sweet. Please help me NOT have to be anonymous on your comments page.

  2. Hello Wild 'n' Wonderful WEIMS and pawrents and oh-how-we-have (and still do) missed-and-are-missing-you! All of you! Thank you V's for sharing your fun visit photos with us ... and we've had a big bite of one of those famous, er, infamous F-Cakes, yummy. *^%* until we meet again ...

  3. I am so jealous, and I do hope your talk helped, I miss them a LOT.. thanks for the photos of your visit and we all know they are the Wild Wiems, that is why we love them

  4. How wonderful that you got to visit with Phenny and Nelly! I miss them blogging and you got to have pieces of their moms' famous cake!

  5. Beautiful silky looking dogs. How awful to think of the cruelty in the blogging world. Sorry to hear they stopped lovely people from writing.

  6. that was a super day and we hope we can do it again... maybe with the ollie pup and the big v's :o))))

  7. Such a great trip - and we'll agree - not enough words for that kind of khrap -

    Thanks for sharing such pawsome khanines!

    And KHAKE!!!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - I hope you enjoyed the messages The Weims sent your way!

  8. Cool woofies, sorry some old troll bothered them and made them leave blogging.

  9. Chaplin: "We knew it! We knew it would be Phenny and Nelly!"
    Charlee: "Hello boys, it's good to see you Grey Ghosts again!"
    Oona: "What?! Someone was mean to Oona's friends? Turn Oona loose on those mean people! THEY DO NOT KNOW WHO THEY ARE DEALING WITH!!!"

  10. How lucky you are to get to meet the Weim Brothers and their parents. We're jealous that you also got to partake of one of their mom's famous cakes.

  11. We love da Boys. We wondered what happened to them. That is so sad and stupid. We hope they will reconsider blogging and just block the offending jerk!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. How great to see The Weims again ! We have missed them and are glad to see they are all well.

  13. How wonderful you got to visit the famous Weims, we're really jealous. We sure miss them and we sure hope they come back too. I'd love to meet whoever was mean to them. It would never happen again. Come back Weims, we love you.

  14. You got to meet royalty. I am sure they were thrilled to meet them. Tell them not to let the bastards win

  15. Evil Bloggers need to go and find other things to do, sheesh,😡
    Sorry that happened to our weimie friends.
    You sure had a great time visiting them all!!
    Lets hope that they might come back to blogville soon.

    Next time at your place!!

  16. How lovely to meet the Weims and their pawrents. I did wonder why they stopped blogging so suddenly. They are missed by so many of us and I hope they do return. Don't let one nasty person stop them or they have achieved what they wanted.


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