Saturday 25 May 2024

Saturday Surprise!


#1 here. It has been a crazy week and I am trying to recover from it and so behind on blogging and visiting blogs. I do have a sweet episode to recount from my days travelling around the countryside with my visitors from Scotland in search of Percherons to buy. The first thing that they bought is...

One of the Percheron breeders they visited also breeds Australian sheepdogs and they fell in love with this little girl.

Her name is Vaiana:and she is two months old.

My friend was quite besotted with her!


  1. Such a cute little pup! Did they buy any Percherons too?

  2. He certainly was a ball of fluff!

  3. So cute! A good find. Linda

  4. I love all dogs and the bigger the better and I don't usually get fluffy dogs because I don't like taking care of fluffy dogs but I do love them and that one is absolutely precious

  5. No wonder, that is such an adorable little pup!

  6. Who could possibly resist?! She is adorable.

  7. OMD! Vaiana is so cute we can see why your friend couldn't resist her charms.

  8. What a cute fluffy pup ! Purrs

  9. What a little teddy bear!!

  10. Awwwwwwww! I can really understand why that purchase came first ;)

  11. How adorable - at first we thought the surprise was you brought her home for Ollie:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Java Bean: "Ayyy, if I had a peso for every time I heard about somebody going to look for horses and ending up with a puppy, I would have ... um ..."
    Lulu: "One peso?"
    Java Bean: "¡Sí!"


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