Thursday 16 May 2024

Tama's Thankful Thursday


Tama-Chan: It's me again, Dear Friends. #1 thought I should tell you about my vet visit on Tuesday, so here I am. She had been meaning to take me for a while but it didn't happen for a variety of reasons, and then I started having some, ahem, accidents, and she thought she needed to bite the bullet. She starved me, put me in the carrier, and off we went to Dr. C on Monday morning.

Dr. C started by weighing me. I am 4.5 kilos (10lb). This is 500 grammes less than last time I was there, almost four years ago, but Dr. C said it was a good weight for me. She then did all the usual palpating. My heart was beating fast (duh...) but no signs of a murmur or arrhythmia. The most obvious thing was a deterioration in muscle tone in my hind legs. Dr. C said that there were three possible causes. One was diabetes, another was thyroid issues, and the third was the old age/arthritis combo.

The next thing was to draw blood. I was so good whilst she did it. Did not even blink!

We got the results yesterday afternoon. No diabetes (although figures at the high end of the normal range) and no thyroid issues. And what is more, my kidneys, liver, and pancreas are quite simply perfect! How about that? Anything that was slightly elevated was, according to Dr. C, as a result of the regular prednisone I take for my allergies. All in all, a pretty excellent result!!!

Dr. C concluded that my "issues" were probably due to a combination of anxiety and arthritis. The anxiety is likely to be exacerbated by #1's absences, the rambunctiousness of the three boys, and my own arthritis. So... she has put me on a two month course of Zylkene. Do you know Zylkene? It's pretty good stuff and we hope it will help me relax more. For the arthritis, she prescribed Seraquin, which is a combination of Glucosamine, Chondroitin and Turmeric, saying that she had never come across a cat who disliked it. Well.... I do. I have refused to touch anything tainted with the ground-up powder. Next, #1 is going to try ground-up Hyalurol to see if it is more palatable to me. Could I ask any of you with any experience in arthritis in older cats to give us a shout and tell us what might have worked for you? We are aware of NSAIDs and Solensia, but would like to go with a softer touch for as long as possible. 

So, overall, much to be thankful for. For a mature queen who will be 16 in a few months, I am in pretty good shape. #1 says she truly empathises on the arthritis front and will do do whatever she can to give me back a little more mobility.


  1. you have joined Beau and his mom and dad in the age/arthritis thing. Ask the vet about Gabapentin, Beau has been on it for 3 years. prayers for you to feel better.. I know about what anxiety does to the body, have had a whole year of it and it has really upset my entire body

  2. Tama Chan, for such good results, we are sorry you do need some medicine. We have no experience to share but are sure others can and will. You don't look a bit like you'll be 16!

  3. I hope someone can suggest a helpful arthritis fix for you, Tama-Chan.

  4. Paws crossed for something to help do the trick for you!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - I am glad you got to ride along for the 'vet venture!

  5. Tama, you look so brave at the vet office. It makes me proud to know you. I’m glad you had such good numbers from your blood tests.
    Maybe try mixing the meds with something strong tasting like liverwurst? That used to work with my elderly dog. I know cats are different.

  6. Such good news! Tama-Chan, you are a long living monarch indeed! I hope that #1 will be able to help manage your pain! Sending purrs and congrats your way!! xx

  7. Good news! Plus Tama, you weigh more than I do. I am a tiny boy at 8 pounds!

  8. Way to go, Tama-Chan...looking good, and doing good. We know about trying to get pain meds into cats who don't want it!

  9. Chaplin: "Zylkene! I remember that! I think Dennis was on it for a while."
    Charlee: "We sure hope it helps!"

  10. Hi Tama, I'm just a kid so can't help much, but I sure hope sumthin' helps you soon cause I see mine (old) Mommy complaining about (old) achey bones so I guess it is hard, and I unnerstand and do wish you well, and send my purrs ... Purrs from June

  11. We are glad you got such a good report Tama. All of us are old and have to watch for things. Purrayers that you continue to do well.

  12. All in all those are good results sweet Tama and arthritis is hard to deal with. Brian had it bad and the Solensia was the only thing that really helped, but it doesn't work for every kitty. We tried the Zylkene with Simon and he wouldn't touch it either.

  13. Mee-yow Tama Chan yore 16 yeerss old? You look so young!!! Wee sorry about the beein ankshuss an THE Arthritis!!! Mee wuud not ouch that podur stuff eether. Mee will not take anythin inn mee foodabullss so mee not THE Kitty to ask.....Wee DUE hope #1 findss sum meddycin you like. Wee want you to feel bettur soon.
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  14. It sounds like your vet report for the most part was quite good, Tama-Chan. We have our paws crossed that #1 can find a medicine that you like.


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