Monday 20 May 2024

Manly Monday


Benny: MeeYOW! Benny here! How are you all doing? We've been getting strange weather with some sunpuddles, some big rain, and some thunderboomies. It's going to be another busy week here at Poupounette Central. We have guests arriving from Scotland tomorrow, looking to buy some big horses. So, Wednesday and Thursday, #1 is going to be mostly gone with them, from early morning to late evening. Thank goodness Mr. G will make sure that we are looked after!

#1 has taken some really nice pics of me recently and I thought I would share a few with you:

It looks like little Ryū was getting a lot of Bridge visitors last week!

And he managed to catch some good sunpuddles.

Mr. G took this one of Momo in the cat run. #1 says he looks like a wise Chinese sage!

Fluff Puff!

Here are all three of us boys, waiting for our morning treats:

We LOVE this one of Ollie and the girls at Ms. C's. Don't you think that Ollie and Lily have the exact same expression and smile?

Last but not least, The Big V sent us a nice pic of him with his fancy carriage yesterday:

Wishing you all a good week! We'll try to post but not sure yet, and we'll probably be mostly MIA from commenting on Wednesday and Thursday.


  1. A very Manly Monday indeed! Momo does look like a wise Chinese sage!!! Have a good week :))

  2. Benny, we love seeing fanciful Big V! And hope the guests find the right horsies to take home.

  3. The top pic is fantabulous, Benny! So much purrsonality.

  4. Benny, It’s hard to get good pictures of black cats, but you got three! You look so good. Love to see Big V at work, too, and Ollie with his daughter and friend. Good look with your horse search! Linda

  5. I was going to say the same as the previous commenter. We once used to have three black cats and they usually turned out like black blobs in their photos. #1 has taken very good photos of you, Benny. All of you are looking good.

  6. WOW!

    Awesome pictures all around!
    Licorice and Marshmallow !

    PeeEssWoo: Oh Ollie - the smiles ! YEP!

  7. You kitties are all so pretty but the best shot is your handsome smile, Ollie!

  8. Thunderboonies here too early today. Woke me and mum up for a while. Then we both went back to sleep.

  9. WOW! Those are wonderful photos of all of you! We hope #1 has a successful horse hunting venture.

  10. Lulu: "Ack, what is it with all the thunderboomies this year?! If anyone needs me, I will be hiding in the hall bathroom!"


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