Sunday 19 May 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends, and welcome to our SoS post. I have had quite the week, after my vet visit and adjusting to the various things that #1 has tried to sneak into my food. I have more or less been taking it, but #1 is not satisfied with that, so she ordered a gel version of the Hyaloral and she says that will be going directly into my mouth but has promised to follow it with a Churu. We'll let you know how that goes.

So.... snuggle pics... Let me start with this one of me and #1:

Mr. G took pics of #1 with the three boys, starting with Ryū:

Then Benny:

And Momo:

As well as Ollie:

He also took this nice pic of Ollie and Momo:

One of Ollie and Benny:

And this one of Ryū and Benny:

This one of Ollie and Ryu isn't bad either!

#1 did get to see the horses a couple of times over the past week, and Ms. C took a couple of nice pics of Heloise and Violette:

Wishing you all a lovely and snuggly Sunday!


  1. I say, those selfies have come out rather well, for sure. You need to commission Mr G more often 😉
    Heloise and Violette are taking warmer and mud-free weather in their stride. Their coats look a delight. Have a wonderful Sunday Snuggle on and all.

  2. What sweet sweet photos! Happy Sunday!

  3. lovely snuggles, each and every one. kudos to Mr. G for his photos. we love snuggles here too, in fact the first thing I do when I get up is snuggle with Beau but we have no one to take photos of us doing it.

  4. I love seeing everyone here today! Momo, see of you can't get a snap of you on the stared at YOUR home there, ready to catch #1'a hand! Violette, is your coat just a little darker? Good morning all!

  5. So many nice shots - but of course, my favorites are the ones with OLLIE!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - we actually have a wee bit of SUN and not wet today - for a change - and we wish you and #1 could come to Dawn's - they do have some outside seating so...

  6. Wonderful snuggles, I had some good ones with mum this past week too. Sorry, no pics.

  7. Those snuggles are just the best! Sweet Tama, I hope that new med helps you gorgeous girl.

  8. Those are all great snuggle pictures of everyone. We're glad to hear you are taking your medicine, Tama-Chan.

  9. Those are lovely snuggle pics. I have missed seeing all of you while I was away.

  10. We are thinking that #1 spends all her time snuggling with all of you - and there is nothing wrong with that!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. Maybe give your mom a break. We all have to take our medicine now and then

  12. It's always trial-and-error with meds and cats, Tama-Chan.

  13. I used to give Pipo half of a human glucosamine/chondroitin pill in a pill pocket. (Vet approved of that)...You can also get joint specific 'treats' as well. MJF and Pip got them from chewy, not sure if they are available in France.

  14. It does sound like a busy week but I know you will carry it off with your regulat aplomb/

  15. Oona: "Tama-Chan, Oona is here from the future via the magic of ninja time travel to tell you the new approach with the meds is working."
    Charlee: "That's not time travel. That's just reading posts in reverse order."


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