Friday 31 July 2020

Family Friday

Genji: In the age of social distancing and the day of heatwave, you keep your distance even when hanging out with your bro:

Queen Tama adores Ollie and will get as close to him as she can!

Queen Tama and I occasionally hang out together too:

We wish you a lovely Friday with the ones you love.

Thursday 30 July 2020

Thankful Thursday

Ollie: Today I want to say how very thankful I am for my friends. It is great to have woofie pals in addition to my human friends!

I showed you a photo of me doing zoomies with Oscar on Monday, but there are more!

It was so much fun to play bitey face!

And then there is my friend Noelle, who lives with Ms. C!

Not forgetting my buddy and neighbour, Fernant!

Friends Forever!

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Wednesday Whinnies with the Hs!

Hotesse: Sweet Neighs Everyone! Hotesse here! #1 came to see us in our faraway field a couple of days ago. It was so great to see her again (and to get the apples, of course!).

Here I am on the right, joining Ms. C, along with Doupette, Tricheur and Usrsula. She was collecting Doupette and Tricheur because they are getting new shoes today and will be working in the vineyards later this week.

That silly Heloise girl of mine suddenly realised she was missing all the fun and arrived at a canter. She is a bit of a drama queen...

Neighs, #1!

So, where are the treats?

Great to see you, #1!

Ms. C told me that, today, she would move me back to be with my other daughter, Violette. It will be nice to be with her again. It is not yet Thursday, but I am thankful to be living with two of my daughters. Not many mares get to do that.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Tama-Chan Tuesday

Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends. I gather we are in for some serious heat this week, so I shall be doing everything in my power to stay cool.

As you know, it is very important to air out tummy floofs:

It is also good to stay as close to the ground as possible. It's cooler there.

Oh, and I thought I would show you a couple more of our bowls. Guess which one is mine?

Stay cool. Stay safe!

Monday 27 July 2020

Manly Monday

Ollie: I think it is really manly to do zoomies with your buddy, Oscar!

Genji: I think it is really manly to sleep with your pink toy in your beddie

Vidock: Can there be anything manlier than having a pink kissing spot on your nose?

Have a great week, everyone, and please stay safe!

Sunday 26 July 2020

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: Can you believe that yet another week has gone by? I really don't know where the time goes! #1 has gotten really busy lately although, at least, she is not taking off for parts unknown yet. She is just running around a lot. You know where this is leading, right? Not enough photos of us being taken!

Still, she was at a lunch with friends a couple of days, and Mr. G took this great snuggle pic of #1 and Ollie:

Typical teenager, that Ollie, with his tongue sticking out!

#1also took a nice pic of Ollie with our friend, Ms. H!

I confess that I too am quite partial to Ollie and like to snuggle with him:

Here is #1 having a snuggle wth Genji:

And one of me snuggled in with her:

And that's it for this week. #1 was not able to get snuggle pics with the Vs or Hs. We'll see what we can do for next week.

Saturday 25 July 2020

Sei-Chan's Solo Souvenir SEIturday!

Rainbow Sei: So.... #1 seems to be on her way to getting back to the kind of crazy schedules she used to have before this whole crisis erupted, and what happened? Well, she ran out of time do a proper Souvenir Saturday post. And so, once again, you are stuck with just me. You don't mind, do you? I just have a few photos to share with you.

#1 says I looked very sultry in this last one. Is this a good thing?

We will try to do better next week.  In the meantime, have a great SEIturday!

Friday 24 July 2020

Violette and Vidock Vendredi

Violette: So, I was in the field far away with my Mama and my sister for a while, but then Ms. C brought me back over nearer the house when the farrier came, and I have stayed here. She promised that she would bring my Mama around soon, In the meantime, I am once again with Mr. Hot Shot Big V and his girlfriend, Aral.

Here we are:

And here is the Big V with his lady love:

And here's all three of us:

Thursday 23 July 2020

Thankful Thursday

Genji: Mee-Yow! It's me, the Shining Prince, doing my second Thankful Thursday post in a row! Last week, I was thankful because I had escaped the dreaded vet visit because of an emergency at Dr. C's. This week, I am thankful because it's all over for another year!

We went yesterday and I had my annual check-up. I have maintained my weight which is at about 3.1 kilos (around 7lb). I remain a "watch like a hawk" cat as I tested positive for the feline coronavirus  several years ago but so far so good! Dr. C discussed vaccines with #1, explaining that as we are indoor cats, we could probably get away without annual boosters. On the other hand, because I am fragile it is better to have me as protected as possible, so I got my regular shots, plus a dose of Metacam to prevent any adverse reaction. By the way, Queen Tama no longer gets shots because she is on prednisone and so  it wouldn't do her any good anyway.

Anyway, big phew! We are very much hoping I don't need to go anywhere near the place until this time next year. I came home, had a large lunch, and followed it up with a lovely nap in a sunpuddle:

I spent a bit of time in the cat run in the afternoon:

And then looked cute for the camera:

I hope you all have something(s) to be tankful for today.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Weepy Wednesday - Farewell to a Friend

#1 here. Today, we would like to honour the memory of a dear friend who went over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. His name was Basha. He was our next door neighbour and he came to live with our neighbours back in 2006,  before the Poupounette lbog started. At the time, he shared his home with a woofie named Madrac, TOWCB Fernant. He was good friends with Tommy. Basha was almost 14 years old and had never been sick a day in his life when, about a month ago, his owners noticed that he wasn't doing so well. When they took him to the vet's, the diagnosis was horrendous. Basha had a huge inoperable tumour near his heart. He has soldiered on until now but his family made the hardest decision that it was time to let him go. Farewell, Basha. You were a good cat.

Here are some photos from his life, starting with baby Basha, back in late 2006:

Basha loved the outdoors:

With his pal, Tommy:

Safe Journey, Dear Friend:

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Tama-Chan Tuesday

Tama-Chan: It has gotten warm again here and the countryside is really, really dry! I feel lucky to live in a nice cool house with plenty to drink (and eat!). I am also fortunate to have a nice cat run to be out in when it's pleasant outside:

Notice the recycled tire?

When the weather is nice and I ask her, #1 serves me my breakfast al fresco:

But she doesn't leave the dish out long as there are ants around!

It's nice to change napping spots occasionally I had not been on the back of this (Ollie's) sofa for a while

And sometimes, I have company: