Da Beebs: First of all, we would like to say thank you, on behalf of #1, for all the good wishes for her upcoming trip. She had a somewhat hair-raising moment yesterday when her accommodations fell through, but she did find a very kind cousin who will put her up, so it's all looking good.
Now, for me and my mancatliness. Just look at this photo:
There were some interesting noises coming from that window I was looking at…
Talking of windows, or rather doors, I was out in the porch the other day, contemplating my Houbibi Days…
And here I am, keeping my manly cool by the fan whilst a certain Genj tries to attack me:
Genji: Sweet little me? Attack? Never! Have you ever sen such an innocent face?
A side view:
And here I am, hanging out with my sister Sei-Chan in the guest bathroom:
Tom: I had a pretty busy weekend, following a pretty busy week, accompanying #1 hither and thither. We went to the pizza place and, in addition to my usual pizza slice, I also got some ice cream!
I also went with #1 to a meeting about a big upcoming Percheron event:
And here I am, having a nap in the company of Da Genj:
Basha: Hey Everyone! Thanks so much for the nice heads-up on my SoS appearance. I thought I would show you my feeding station, with the treat trail that #1 leaves for me!
#1 and Tommy met up with me in one of the fields yesterday and she took this photo:
And whilst I am here. may I say a very special hello to the gorgeous Miss Loustiquette over at
Bleue Comme Aby?
Vidock: Studly Neighs, EveryFriend! As usual, I have exciting news to share with you. Not only did Uncle E come over this weekend, but he had all kinds of strange equipment with him! Normally, when he rides me, I just wear a saddle. But look at everything they put on me this time!
That is apparently a full kit cavalry saddle for the French Army from WWI, so it's one hundred years old! Uncle E and I are going to be in a parade on August 15, and he will be wearing military uniform also. This time, though, it was just me, and didn't I look handsome?
Here is hoping you all have a great week!