Saturday, 5 July 2014


Sei-Chan: So they told us we would have thunderstorms yesterday. It was humid and oppressive yesterday morning but it stayed sunny. #1 spent quite a bit of time with us in the run, to try and get the jungle under some control (she mainly gets rid of the bramble and the ivy). We of course supervised. As you can see, #1 did need to do some work!

I was also busy communing with nature…

The weather started to change mid-afternoon so we stayed indoors, but still enjoyed some sunpuddles:

Need help relaxing?

Just breathe deeply, and close your eyes… A mini-dangle will help you relax further.

It's raining here today but we hope you have sunshine! Have a lovely SEIturday, Dear Friends!


  1. I wish I had a run that was so full of nature and life! But even if my human did attempt something like this, it would be as brown and desolate as the planters out back.

  2. We hope your rain will go away soon, we had some quite heavy rain during the night but it has gone now and it's quite hot and humid with not much in the way of sun. We'll try Sei-Chan's mini dangle in a minute so we can relax and hopefully nap.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Rain, rain go away, we would rather dangle and then we'll play! Y'all have a fun Saturday!

  4. We simply love your run and think the jungle look is quite appropriate.

  5. Oh your run is perfect for kitties and how you must long to be in it.

  6. Dear Sei, your last photo makes us want to cover our computer screen with kisses! You have the most delightful expressions.
    Enjoy your special day, love.

  7. I hope you have some good places to nap if it's raining!

  8. We had the same weather here, part time rain, and part time sun. And we had the same activities : napping in the sun, or stay indoor during the rain ! Purrs

  9. Même dans le sud on a le même genre de temps.
    L'été a disparu...
    Sei-Chan ta leçon de relaxation est parfaite.
    Nous on fait comme toi, on communie avec la nature. Ca fait du bien. C'est un truc que les zumains ils ne comprennent pas toujours, alors ils se moquent un peu.
    Plein de ronrons
    Hisia et Loustiquette

  10. Too bad the rain prevents you from enjoying your run.
    We had a tropical storm that gave us strong winds, but not much rain :)
    We lost power for 2 hours this morning, but so far no damage :)
    Enjoy a little nap Sei.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure, JJ

  11. Your jungle looks very exciting to stalk through. I hope your weather is better now. We had torrential rain all day yesterday, but today was dry and cloudy.

  12. We are thoroughly relaxed now. eeing your sweet little face and the mini-dangle of your precious little paw did the trick. Happy SEIturday!

  13. How nice that you got to go outside before the weather changed, Sei-Chan.

  14. Glad to hear you didn't get the storms and were able to have some time in your run.


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