Monday 21 October 2024

Momo's Manly Monday


Momo-Chan: First of all, thanks fort all the nice comments for Benny here and on our BF page. He had a great birthday!

Now to business... I have some fun photos to share, of me first, starting with one of me and my bro, Ryū:

#1 tells me this is called a toehawk! I am the first Poupounette kitty to ever have them!

And here is a morning shot of me guarding #1's bed whilst she's taking her shower.

Here is a great one of Ryū taken by Mr. G in the cat run:

And here is Benny, the Panther. Sorry about the light spots!

Last but not least is our big bro, Ollie. We all love him!

Have a great week, everyone!

Sunday 20 October 2024

Benny's 4th Birthday!


#1 here. I am having a hard time believing that our Benny is already celebrating his 4th birthday! Today is his "official" birthday as the exact date was not known, only late October. But no matter, we will celebrate even if we're not 100% accurate.

And over the past four years, this:

has become this:

As you can see from the photos, Benny is incredibly affectionate. In fact, he is probably the most affectionate cat I have ever had. He is an absolute sweetheart, except when he is being a nuisance to Tama, but that mantle is in the process of being passed on to our little Dragon who is seeking the title of Thug-in-Chief (TIC!). 

Happy Birthday, fearless warrior (Benkei, the Warrior Monk) and the best lovebug ever. May you continue sharing your wonderful snuggles with us for many, many years!


Saturday 19 October 2024

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday


Rainbow Sei: Hello Everyone! Remember us, the Rainbow Gang? It has been two whole months since we last posted and we thought it was high time we made a comeback! So, without further ado, here are some photos for you to remember us all by!

I shall start with Ikkyu, the first among us, in this photo from way back when in 2003:

Next is one of #1's favourite pics of me (she has many!). I am sitting on the shelf above the desk in her study. The pic is from 2011.

We follow on with a couple of fun pics, first of Sen-Chan, taken in 2007:

And Yuu-Chan from 2010:

Moving right along, here is the one and only Beebs in 2015:

And Genji, also from 2015:

#1 always finds it particularly difficult to choose a photo of Tommy because there are so many, and he was so very photogenic. This one is from 2015, when he and #1 were on vacation together at the seaside:

There is also our beautiful unicorn, Hotesse. This is from 2015 also:

And last but not least is our feral, Trav, who was with us for too short a time but who is now an integral part of our Rainbow Gang. Also from 2015:

It's been fun posting again. We hope you will enjoy the photos, and perhaps see you again next week!

Please don't forget to visit Poupounette Central tomorrow as some kitty has a birthday! Can you guess who? 

Friday 18 October 2024

Fun Friday!


Ryū-Chan: MeeYow, Peoples! Our Internet comes and goes and we try to make use of it when it's there! The other day, #1 took this really cool short video of me and my bro, Momo, wrestling. As you can see, I won. #1 is actually saying that I may be about to "wrest" the title of T-H-U-G from big bro, Benny!

Thursday 17 October 2024

Thankless Thursday


Tama-Chan: Believe it or not, Dear Friends, we are once again having connectivity issues! After spending yet another fruitless hour with tech support, #1 took her MacBook and her router to Mr. G's and it worked fine over there. We have therefore concluded that the problem lies with the antenna, something Mr. G had been telling us for a while (he is very tech savvy)!

So, I am creating this post by proxy via #1 who is still at Mr. G's, and we will programme it for Thursday morning. Fortunately, she took a stunning photo of me this morning, so I can share it with you:

And as #1 is creating this over at Mr. G's,we thought it would be fun to share a photo of their cat, Odie, as he was adopting what they call a "Tama pose"

On taking a closer look at the pic, the humans realised that Odie is getting ready for Halloween! Can you see the scary face on his tummy?

Wednesday 16 October 2024

We're ON Wednesday!


Benny: We're back online. Apologies for yesterday. Basically, it turns out that our router box died. After yet another conversation with the tech people yesterday morning, #1 got in her car and drove all the way to Chartres (about an hour away - more famous for its cathedral than its hardware!) to pick up a new box and SIM card. She got home, connected everything up, and it's now working fine! Phew!

All that stress was quite exhausting. I now need a nap:

Here is a bonus pic of Chartres cathedral, taken from a distance:

PS: Queen Tama says thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday. She thoroughly enjoyed her six meals, which included freshly oven-baked chicken.

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Tama-Chan's Truncated Tuesday!


Tama-Chan: Dear All, we are having connectivity issues, so can't do a proper post. So, we are just sneaking in one photo, and we may be able to do more later. I am doing OK, eating lots one day, a little less the next, but I'm holding my own! #1 took this rather nice close-up shot of me: