Thursday 10 October 2024

Thankful Thursday


Benny: I am sure you can all guess what we are thankful for this week. Not only is #1 home but she says she has no other trips planned anytime soon! That is something to be hugely thankful for although she did mention that there may be unforeseen absences associated with bringing in the cash to feed us. We are crossing our paws that she will make the cash but won't need to go away.

Queen Tama is back to helping #1 with her work:

Momo is hanging out on his window hammock:

I have been meditating:

Ollie is seeking attention wherever he can get it!

As for Ryū, our dragon, he is in this next picture with Mr. G and Ollie. Can you see him? That is his state most of the time!

Photographing him is an endless challenge!


  1. ha! to be a dragon is a good idea when it comes to the cam...

  2. I can see how happy everyone is to have #1 back home.


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