Wednesday 9 October 2024

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: Just like Queen Tama, I am so happy that #1 is home. But unlike her, I actually got to visit her when she was away!!! This is what happened. Mr. G got a panic-stricken message on Thursday evening. #1 had gone all the way to Saint Lô only to discover that she had forgotten her bag, containing money, ID, credit cards and driving licence! So, once again, Mr. G came to the rescue! He and Ms. N drove all the way to #1 (224km/140m) on Friday to deliver her bag! And I went along. It was a fine day for a drive and, boy was I surprised when I got there and #1 suddenly appeared! She said it was a bit like "take your kids to work day"! I got to see the training arena and the stables!

Here we are with Mr. G, watching the riders warm up for competition.

And Mr. G took a couple of pics of me and #1. Can you see the horse behind us?

It was so much fun! I hope I get other opportunities to visit #1 at work!

In other news, there were so many woofies in the stables! #1 took lots of pics. Here are some of her faves:


  1. even an sos case can have something good... so you were in da first row this time...

  2. What a fun time you had, Ollie, and you met so many new friends!


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