Monday, 28 October 2024

Momo's Manly Monday


Momo-Chan: Hello and welcome to my weekly manly post. I am so happy and proud to have been given the responsibility of hosting this weekly contribution to our blog, so here goes.

#1 manage to snag Ryū-Chan as he boxed himself in!

She took this close-up of me which I rather like:

And here is Ollie looking very shiny in a sunpuddle

Benny enjoying the outside view. As you can see, it's still very green out there.

And a pic of us three kitten boys waiting for breakfast!


  1. You do a very good job of Manly Monday, Momo.

  2. all of you manly cats and one dog look wonderful today. like that gather of the manly cats waiting for food, just like human men. LOVE you in the closeup, you look so very handsome

  3. Momo that was a beautiful picture of you and your white fluffy fur. Let's just hope that Ryu did not get the lid shut and put in the mailbox to go on a trip. Then Ollie would have to hunt him down.

  4. Your eyes are beautiful, Momo. Happy Monday to all of you!

  5. Those are all fun photos Momo, you did a great job!

  6. Wow, you fellas are polite while waiting for eats; Da Boyz jump and scream and try to trip us, like they haven't been fed in a month. ;-)

  7. You boys are all looking great today!

  8. Well done!

    Such KHAT innocence...and Ollie too!

    PeeEssWoo Wish you weren't so far away Ollie...Kerri has soft treats too!

  9. I love when we check in with all your perfect pets

  10. Charlee: "You cats wait a lot more patiently than we do. We pace around and vocalize and I even give Dada little bites to let him know that I love him ALMOST as much as I am hungry. ALMOST."

  11. Great pictures of you mancats, and Ollie, too!

    And a VERY belated Happy Birthday to Benny!


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