Tuesday 1 October 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends. Remember us? We've been more MIA then present for so long now... #1 came back Sunday evening but, believe it or not, her ear is still not right, so she is starting yet another round of antibiotics. And she will be packing her bags again on Thursday as she heads out for the last commitment of this frantic period she has been having. This time, she will be gone until the following Monday, after which she has promised to stay home!

As for me, I am holding my own but will be going to see Dr. C tomorrow for a check-up. I will probably have another ultrasound to see how things have evolved, and Dr. C will then decide on a plan of action for the longer term. Could I ask for some purrs on my behalf? We will update later, after we have returned.

Update: Not a whole lot to report. I am holding my own and will continue to take prednisone and milk thistle. #1 has ordered a bunch of new foods for me as I am supposed to eat high-protein/low fat. Dr. C said the best thing would be home-cooked meals so, once she's back from this one last weekend away, she will start preparing me fresh chicken daily! Dr. C said it would be OK for me to get Churu treats too! When #1 broached the subject of a timeline, Dr. C said that it could be a year but it could also be much less. We'll see how we go but #1 has promised me that she will do everything to make every single day special. Thank you for all your love and purrs. I am a lucky girl in so many ways.


  1. I hope the new round of antibiotics help #1. Of course you have my best wishes, Tama. If I could purr I would do so. I am sure my Angel boys will send some for you.

  2. I sure hope that #1 will feel a lot better with her ear, on that new medicine.
    Tama, we add our soft aroos for you and pawyers as well.

  3. We are glad your #1 is back to take you to your appointment. We are sending lots of purrs your way. You sound like a very brave kitty!

  4. Tamara we definitely are sending you purrs and prayers. You let us know how it goes when you get a chance.

  5. We hope #1's meds fix her up for good this time and we send lots of SpanielZen and positive vibes for you, Tama!

  6. Purring for you, Tama-Chan, and for #1 too.

  7. Wishing you good meals and fun, Miss Tama. I will be thinking of you and your #1. Linda

  8. oh queen tama! we r purr fur good health fur yoo and your mum

  9. Hoping you and # 1 are feeling a bit better. We will keep you in our thoughts Tama. Cherish every day you have with your family.

  10. It's Mlle Octobre!

    PeeEssWoo: HI Ollie...I hear you got a bath ;-)

  11. I hope the #1 ear gets better. We all send tons of purrs to you sweet Tama, we love you girl!

  12. We send purrayers and POTP to you Tama and to #1 as well. When she is able to be home it will make everyone more relaxed .

  13. Oh Tama, we hope you have lots more time with #1. That was not too bad of a report. Keep eating well. #1 always does what is best. And we sure hope she finds time to get some rest and get better.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Prayers for you and your mom. I hope she gets the rest she needs

  15. Charlee: "Of course you can have purrs! You can have all the purrs!"
    Chaplin: "Well I mean we will send some for #1's ear too of course."
    Charlee: "Not a problem! We have an unlimited supply!"
    Lulu: "Tail wags too!"

  16. We're glad to hear you are doing well and have our paws crossed for you, Tama-Chan.


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