Tuesday 15 October 2024

Tama-Chan's Truncated Tuesday!


Tama-Chan: Dear All, we are having connectivity issues, so can't do a proper post. So, we are just sneaking in one photo, and we may be able to do more later. I am doing OK, eating lots one day, a little less the next, but I'm holding my own! #1 took this rather nice close-up shot of me:


  1. That is a lovely photo, Tama. We are the same, some days I have no appetite and have to rely on supplements, other days I eat better, so I know how you feel.
    I hope your connectivity issues are soon fixed.

  2. hugs to you we hope all issues and sorrows will run away from you

  3. We all happy that you have good days in your loving home and you still take a great photo Tama-Chan!

  4. We are always glad to see any post by you. Glad to hear you're trying to eat your very best.

  5. That is a rather nice close-up shot of you, sweet Tama-Chan. Sorry to hear you're having connectivity issues.

  6. Hope all back to normal soon. Connectivity issues are so annoying, and one feels so helpless. Linda

  7. Paws khrossed for that all impurrtant signal!
    PeeEssWoo: HI Ollie...you missed my shot last week of my taking watch duty when my #1 started baking Sweet Potatoes I got mine over three days and I got her shell last might!

  8. We hope the internet issue is resolved soon for you. We are delighted even to have one lovely photo of you, Tama.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Glad the issues are with the internet and not you Queen Tama ! Purrs and purrayers !


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