Thursday 30 November 2023

Thankful Thursday


Ollie: Woofs, everyone! The single thing we are all most thankful for is that #1 is home with us all week. It has gotten pretty cold outside, and we are thankful fort our nice warm home, for all the wonderful food she feeds us, for all the cozy sleeping places she provides, and for all the love!

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Tama- Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: By the time #1 got home last night, later than expected, she was almost catatonic with fatigue. Thank goodness Mr. G had fed all of us, so we were OK and just let her rest. The past few days have not only been very busy but also painful as #1 has had an awful stye in her left eye. It is now almost gone but it was huge at one stage! Anyway, #1 is with us the rest of the week and we will take good care of her.

Monday 27 November 2023

Mancat Monday!


Benny: #1 hit the road at 8am this morning, on her last day accompanying her American visitors. She says she'll be back late afternoon as they're going quite a distance. Mr. G will be taking care of us, so we will be fine. Anyway, she had minimal energy for preparing blog pots, so it's just a few pics of us kitty boys today, for Mancat Monday!

Here is Momo looking floofy:

Me in the bag, so to speak!

Ryū-Chan "in the sink"!

And me again, "hiding out" with all the teat towels and napkins!

Here's hoping you will all have a great start to the week!

Sunday 26 November 2023

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: #1 was out again all day yesterday on horse business,  but Mr. G looked after us. However, she was too tired to prepare today's post when she returned, so we are late posting. We do have some great shots this week, though, so here we are!

I wanted to start with a first. Yes, Dear Friends, for the first time ever, I slept snuggled up to Momo-Chan! I had been watching everyone else snuggling with him and decided I needed to give it a try.


And closer!

He is very soft and silky!

Talking of Momo's silkiness, Mr. G took this fun pic of  him and #1:

And here is baby Ryū hogging her lap:

And moving up to let Benny take his turn:

Of course, Benny and Momo still snuggle together a lot:

And Momo still loves to snuggle with Ollie!

 We all got a lot of attention when our visiting American friends came for Thanksgiving supper: 

And when they visited Violette and Heloise the next day, they got a lot of attention too!

Mr. L is so nice. He breeds Percherons in southern Illinois and has purchased three stud colts to take back to the US.

And we shall end today's SoS post with Ollie getting bedtime snuggles from #1:

Wishing you all a warm and snuggly Sunday!

Saturday 25 November 2023

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday


Rainbow Sei: #1 is extremely busy at the moment as there are some American horse people clients visiting and she is spending a lot of time with them. But... we Rainbow Gang didn't get to post last weekend, or the week before, or the week before that, so she said she would make an effort, even if it did not include all of us, so here goes.

I'll start with one of me:

And here is one of me with my Tommy:

And here are a couple of fun ones of sweet Tommy:

A couple of Blue Boy Genji:

And the one and only Beebs!

And to finish today's post, here is our lovely matriarch, Hôtesse.

Wishing you all a lovely "Seiturday"!.

Friday 24 November 2023

Feline Friday


... With Ryū and a guest!

Ryū-Chan: I helped #1 with the bed-making!

#1: I went to have lunch with very good friends, and enjoyed cuddles with their lovely girl, Mitzy:

Thursday 23 November 2023

Thankful Thursday


Momo-Chan: Firstly, all of us at The Poupounette would like to wish our friends across the pond, feline, canine, and human,  a Very Happy Thanksgiving. We are very thankful to have you all in our lives!

At this end, we are so thankful that the sun has made a comeback and we are getting sunpuddles after something ike six weeks of rain! I sat on top of the cat tree and basked in the rays:

Below me, Queen Tama was doing her own basking!

The sun felt so very good!

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Wednesday Whinnies

Violette: That Big V was a bit of a post hog last week, so my Sis Heloise and I asked #1 if we could have a post to ourselves this week and she said yes!  The photos are from #1's visit to us last Friday. We shared a few pics with you last Sunday but we have more!

When #1 arrived, Heloise went straight up to the fence whereas I remained a long way off, at the back of the field:

#1 commented that I am getting to be more like my Mama Hotesse and take my time coming over. But come over I do!

Then, there was a lot of spoiling going on!

We love it when #1 comes to visit us! She is coming again this Friday and bringing some American visitors! Isn't that exciting?

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: As you know, I am Queen of this house and, as such, I determine what may and may not be done. So, on Sunday evening, our friend, Ms. R, came over and, after giving me a lot of scritches, she and #1 sat down to a game of Scrabble. I of course supervised.

Well, you wouldn't believe how slow the two of them were! I mean, enough is enough, right? It went on and on until I decided that enough was enough:

They said they were almost finished and there were only a few points between them, so they didn't seem upset. It was, however, important for me to make my point. Don't you agree?

Do let me know your thoughts!

Monday 20 November 2023

Manly Monday


Benny: Happy Monday, Everyone! We know it's a big holiday week for our American friends, so if you are travelling, please take good care! And if you are cooking, bon appétit!

With the awful weather and being away, #1 hasn't exactly taken a lot of photos of us, so we will be once again relying on Mr. G for some of our pics, such as mine!

Do you like my claws? I am sorry to say that she cut them shortly thereafter.

Momo: #1 says I am handsome whichever way up I am!

That one was taken by #1. Here is one of me the right way up, taken by Mr. G:

Ryū-Chan: #1 says I am difficult to photograph except when I am asleep as I never stop moving! Mr. G took this one:

Ollie: Here is a fun photo, taken by Ms. C, showing me, my daughter Lily, crazy Leonie, Violette, Heloise and #1!

We don't have any fresh pics of The Big V today. We'll share some as soon as Ms. A sends some though. We wish you all a good week!