Wednesday 22 November 2023

Wednesday Whinnies

Violette: That Big V was a bit of a post hog last week, so my Sis Heloise and I asked #1 if we could have a post to ourselves this week and she said yes!  The photos are from #1's visit to us last Friday. We shared a few pics with you last Sunday but we have more!

When #1 arrived, Heloise went straight up to the fence whereas I remained a long way off, at the back of the field:

#1 commented that I am getting to be more like my Mama Hotesse and take my time coming over. But come over I do!

Then, there was a lot of spoiling going on!

We love it when #1 comes to visit us! She is coming again this Friday and bringing some American visitors! Isn't that exciting?


  1. oh how great that your #1 had such a big bag with snacks!!!

  2. Spoiling and being spoiled is wonderful!!

  3. Channeling some InnerSiberian blood, eh?

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - we had quite the rains yesterday - but they moved along overnight - left some fog for now!

  4. you are so beautiful and enjoy those Americans, I know they will love you

  5. That really was such a nice visit, we'd sure love to visit you and bring you treats!

  6. It looks like you girls enjoyed the spoiling from #1.

  7. It is nice to have visitors, especially #1. Getting treats and loves.

  8. Charlee: "Hmm, playing hard to get before coming over to get spoiled? Are you sure you're not part cat, Violette?"

  9. That is a nice big bag of treats that #1 brought you. Enjoy your American guests.

  10. So nice to see you girls with # 1 !

  11. It's hard to be a blog hog when you are sharing it with a big horse

  12. Hello, ladies...good to see you both.

  13. Always good to see you girls! Enjoy your snacks!


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