Tuesday 21 November 2023

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: As you know, I am Queen of this house and, as such, I determine what may and may not be done. So, on Sunday evening, our friend, Ms. R, came over and, after giving me a lot of scritches, she and #1 sat down to a game of Scrabble. I of course supervised.

Well, you wouldn't believe how slow the two of them were! I mean, enough is enough, right? It went on and on until I decided that enough was enough:

They said they were almost finished and there were only a few points between them, so they didn't seem upset. It was, however, important for me to make my point. Don't you agree?

Do let me know your thoughts!


  1. Oh Tama, well done! Good of you to help them wrap up the game! Glad to hear that they were good sports about your antics :)

  2. Of course I agree, Tama. You told them they had played for long enough!

  3. Good Job on the scatter painting. ha ha.. now they can both say they won. kinda sorta. question for you. Do they spell words in french or English? inquiring minds want to knowp

  4. NAK would have used her 'MFT' -

    Well done KHAT!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - waiting for our day of rain to commence

  5. After all Tama, they needed to end the game before one got all the points, mol.

  6. Yes the game had o end so that all attention could
    be given to you ;)
    Purrs, Winnie

  7. You are a cheeky girl to mess up the scrabble tiles like that, Tama- Chan. We hope you got lots of pets and plenty of attention after that. BOL!

  8. Charlee: "That's some nice work there, Tama-Chan, waiting for the perfect moment to intervene. I doubt we could have held out so long before getting involved!"

  9. Truly, Tama-Chan...they both needed to focus on YOU, not some game.

  10. Oh sweet Tama, it looks to me like you scrabbled that board purrfectly! Tell #1 I did email her.


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