Monday 20 November 2023

Manly Monday


Benny: Happy Monday, Everyone! We know it's a big holiday week for our American friends, so if you are travelling, please take good care! And if you are cooking, bon appétit!

With the awful weather and being away, #1 hasn't exactly taken a lot of photos of us, so we will be once again relying on Mr. G for some of our pics, such as mine!

Do you like my claws? I am sorry to say that she cut them shortly thereafter.

Momo: #1 says I am handsome whichever way up I am!

That one was taken by #1. Here is one of me the right way up, taken by Mr. G:

Ryū-Chan: #1 says I am difficult to photograph except when I am asleep as I never stop moving! Mr. G took this one:

Ollie: Here is a fun photo, taken by Ms. C, showing me, my daughter Lily, crazy Leonie, Violette, Heloise and #1!

We don't have any fresh pics of The Big V today. We'll share some as soon as Ms. A sends some though. We wish you all a good week!


  1. They are all lovely photos, and that last one is a nice family photo.

  2. we hear you for the claws... we wait for months to get super weapons and she! comes with the clipper... oh man...

  3. Dear Benny, I just had my claws nipped a bit. i don't like it,, so I immediately start using the scratchy post fur sharpening. Precious

  4. love the 6 in 1 photo. all of you look super great. hard to get good photos of action figures and Little Dragon is certainly in the action figure category

  5. You boys (and the big girls) are all looking great today.

  6. Benny, The Hubby and I are having an argument about trimming Da Boyz nails; they are ripping my clothes up, but he doesn't want to trim them. Ha! I'll take them to the vet to have it done, if he doesn't do it.

  7. Oh boy! You all are looking good!
    It is always nice to see pics.
    I need mum to get more of ME as i am new here.
    Purrs, Winnie

  8. You all look so wonderful and happy too!

  9. So many nice pictures!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - I bet you had so much fun!

  10. Thank you for the sweet pictures. Have a tukey leg on me this week.

  11. We always enjoy your photos, but that last group one is a special gem !


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