Sunday 19 November 2023

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Welcome to our weekly SoS post, Dear Friends. Sadly, there has not, as yet, been any improvement in the weather, but we remain hopeful that the rain will eventually stop. For now, the temps remain higher than normal for the season and our central heating is still not on. On Monday morning, the chimney sweep is coming to sweep the chimney and, after that, we look forward to some nice fires in our fireplace.

We have a pretty good line-up of snuggle pics this week and I shall start with myself, as is only natural given that I am Queen.

Benny and Ryū both really love lap time with #1 so it can sometimes get crowded around there!

Momo is becoming everyone's cuddle buddy!

Ryū loves to snuggle with #1:

Ollie loves to hang out with everyone:

And we have pics of Violette and Heloise this week! #1 went over to see them on Friday and Ms. C took some nice pics!

We hope you enjoyed this week's snuggles, and wish you a happy and snuggly Sunday.


  1. Yay! For snuggles. Everybody looks so happy and having best friends to live with is a good thing the horses are looking beautiful. Hope your rain stops soon and comes to visit us

  2. Everyone likes to snuggle with Momo because he is like a big soft luxury pillow. Lovely snuggles for everyone as usual.

  3. We love all the snuggles and look forward to the same sort of day here!

  4. We thought our getting to wait until The FURst of November was delayed - we are impressed with your non- heat - but we guess all those snuggles keep you warm!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie- glad your have 'nice' weather for some OllieFUN!

  5. Rainy days and Sundays, good fur snuggles. We do have 30 trees on only 1/2 acre so lots gets mowed into mulch and lots get piled up in our wild area for the deer and rabbits. They love it.

  6. There sure are a lot of precious snuggles happening at your home.

  7. Lovely snuggles! I joined mum in her sleepy spot just before she got up today. It was super nice.

  8. Wow! So many warm and snuggly wonderful selfies! Perfect Fall like selfies.

  9. How wonderful to see all these snuggles at home !

  10. Nice snuggles this week. And when you get a fire going, it’s gonna feel so good!

  11. Those are all so wonderful to see, we enjoyed each and every one of your photos!

  12. Oh goodness, these SoS pix are all just so delicious!


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