Thursday 16 November 2023

Thankless Thursday ?


Ollie: First of all, our apologies for being so late posting today. #1 has quite a lot of work at the moment and she was so much into a project that she actually forgot! Can you believe that? Also, the weather remains awful. Lots of rain and wind again today. When will it stop? And #1 is coughing and sneezing again. Woe is her!

On the positive side, we are thankful that #1 is home with us and that we are in a nice, dry and warm home! So, here is a nice photo of me taken by Mr. G:

The Big V invites you to come and see his post tomorrow!


  1. You are as cute as ever with your stuffie, Ollie. We have our paws crossed that #1 feels better soon.

  2. Ugly weather makes humans grumpy, Ollie.
    We look forward to seeing Vidock tomorrow.

  3. Ollie I love your eyes. Muah! glad you are all safe inside from the wet ugly weather. we are still praying for rain.

  4. That is a lovely photo of you, Ollie. I hope #1 soon feels better.

  5. We sure hope that elusive ALL BETTER shows up for #1 soon. Ollie, you are so darn handsome!

  6. We like your stuffie! Take care of your #1 :)


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