Thursday 2 November 2023

Thankful Thursday


#1 here. Western France and southern England have been in the grip of a fierce storm ("Ciaran") since last night. We battened down the hatches before going to bed. Ollie refused to go out to pee before bed as it was raining and blowing so hard! Anyway, we are thankful that all is well. It's still blowing outside but the sun is out and things should start to calm down soon. Everyone at Poupounette Central is thankful for a cozy home and lots of treats!


  1. thanks for letting us know you made it safely through the stormy night. We have read about this storm on other blogs and glad all our e-friends are safe now... we know all about fierce storms here, more than we want to know

  2. We are getting the storm too. On the local news it said that we had 100mph gusts of wind through the night. I woke up and it felt like the whole bungalow was shaking. The wind did drop earlier, but it is picking up again now and so is the rain. I also heard that the Channel Islands had wind speed of 110mph!

  3. I see how powerful the winds were. Good to hear every one at Chan family did not blow away in the wind. Who could blame Ollie?

  4. We've seen the nasty weather shots from our FB pals - ICKY!

    Stay warm and dry and SAFE!

    Willow and her #1
    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - Paws khrossed for you!

  5. I'm glad that nasty storm didn't mess with you too much and we hope the all clear shows up really soon.

  6. We're glad to hear you all are safe from the storm. There's nothing better than all snuggling together during a storm.

  7. Java Bean: "Ayyy, we just heard about that storm today! We are glad you made it through all right!"
    Lulu: "I am not a fan of scary weather!"

  8. How scary! I am glad you are safe, and hope the storm is over! Linda

  9. Yikes! There seems to be a lot of really extreme weather going around. So glad to hear you all got through the night safely.


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