Monday 6 November 2023

Manly Monday


Ollie: #1 took this great photo of me when I was zooming around the garden yesterday!

Ryū-Chan: Do you like this one of me in a sunpuddle?

Momo-Chan: #1 says it's almost impossible to take a bad picture of me...

Benny: And #1 also says it's really difficult to get a good picture of me!

We got news from The Big V yesterday. He is doing really well but didn't have any new pics to send. Ms. A promised to send some really soon!


  1. so great that you all have a super start into a new week..

  2. so true, light colors take much better photos than black, but both of you are equally beautiful to see. all of you are beautiful to see and Ollie that is some kind of fun run you are doing... you run really fast

  3. It's always a GREAT day when there are soooo many MANly shots!

    Of course, Ollie wins!


  4. Benny, you just blend in too much at times to get a good pic.

    Hmm, I though Vidock just had a summer job. Is he coming home soon?

  5. Benny, it takes good lighting sometimes, to capture your beauty.

  6. You boys all look great. We love to do zoomies around our yard too, Ollie.

  7. Great MANLY exhibits!!!! Have fun with those zoomies, Ollie.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Look at you all, such wonderful photos! Tell the Big V. we miss seeing him!


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