Sunday 26 November 2023

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: #1 was out again all day yesterday on horse business,  but Mr. G looked after us. However, she was too tired to prepare today's post when she returned, so we are late posting. We do have some great shots this week, though, so here we are!

I wanted to start with a first. Yes, Dear Friends, for the first time ever, I slept snuggled up to Momo-Chan! I had been watching everyone else snuggling with him and decided I needed to give it a try.


And closer!

He is very soft and silky!

Talking of Momo's silkiness, Mr. G took this fun pic of  him and #1:

And here is baby Ryū hogging her lap:

And moving up to let Benny take his turn:

Of course, Benny and Momo still snuggle together a lot:

And Momo still loves to snuggle with Ollie!

 We all got a lot of attention when our visiting American friends came for Thanksgiving supper: 

And when they visited Violette and Heloise the next day, they got a lot of attention too!

Mr. L is so nice. He breeds Percherons in southern Illinois and has purchased three stud colts to take back to the US.

And we shall end today's SoS post with Ollie getting bedtime snuggles from #1:

Wishing you all a warm and snuggly Sunday!


  1. Oh those soft furs!

    That must be a GRANDE suitcase to pack a horse doggy!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - my #1still marvels at how snuggly I am!

  2. Momo-Chan is so fluffy; the purrfect pillow.

  3. How wonderful that you all got snuggles twice over from your guests, too. I hate to say it, but all our ponies are wearing muddy overcoats just like those. Have a wonderful week, mud free and full of warmth.

  4. yay for those colts coming to the USA... and double yay for all the snuggling going on in your home. Beau has made a change in the last 2 weeks, he has become a snuggler with daddy and mama. he used to come up for hugs and then lay somewhere else, now he puts his 20 pound head on us or half his huge body on the laps and crushes us.. this is new and we have no idea why.

  5. Yah! Momo you do look so handsome and all the rest.

  6. Those are all such great snuggles. We thing we would like to snuggle with Momo too!

  7. That was very good of you to allow Momo to snuggle so close to you. He looks a big boy, or is it mostly floof?
    Great double snuggles for all of you this week.

  8. Those are all such wonderful photos and WOW Momo, you have gotten to be such a handsome big boy!

  9. What wonderful warm snugglies !

  10. Momo , Tama let you get cllose to her?? Thatis amazing!

    Lots going on at your place these past days!!

    We enjoyed all the pics, and in the previous posts. We are all behind so we are just sort of picking up from today.

  11. The snuggles and time with friends warm the heart and soul! 🥰

  12. Those are some great snuggles this week. And how nice you let Momo-Chan so close to you, Tama-Chan.

  13. Great snuggle pictures ! Momo, you're so fluffy ! Purrs

  14. Lulu: "That's snuggles galore! Including from all the way over here, wow!"
    Charlee: "People cross oceans to pet cats. It's a fact."
    Java Bean: "And also dogs and horses."
    Chaplin: "That's just incidental. It's all about the cats."


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