Friday 17 May 2024

Feline Friday


Momo-Chan: Sweet Meows, Everyone! It's me, "Fluff Puff" as #1 calls me. She has asked me to host this week's Feline Friday post, and I said I would be glad to do it. Let me start with a couple of nice pics that Mr. G took of me and my bro, Ryū, out in the cat run:

He also took this nice one of Ryū:

Mr. G also took a bunch of pics of me as I was relaxing in my hammick.

Next, we have a nice one of Benny in the cat run:

And one of him "in the bag"!

And here is an interesting one of Ryū and Benny doing some investigating together:

As for Queen Tama, she is getting used to her new regimen of supplements to keep her stress-free and loosen her joints. Here she is, catching a sunpuddle:


  1. That cat run sure looks pretty cool. I'm gonna ask dad if he can convert our boring stone & vinyl patio into something like that. We hope Queen Tama's supplements keep her in tip top shape.

  2. I love that all of you kitties have a cat run for safety being outside!

  3. Lovely post Momo-Chan! Mr G took some great pix! Our #1 laughed out loud to see Ryu and Benny investigating the fridge! We hope a cat run is built for us this summer...we hear it being discussed!

  4. I am always thrilled to see photos taken in your cat run. it is so amazing that you can be outside and safe. yesterday, a cat ran right out in front of my car, and as I slowed to a stop the silly cat stopped and went back the way it came. scared me silly and I fussed about people letting their cats outside when they live on busy streets... all the photos are wonderful

  5. My cat wishes he had a beautiful cat run. His friends have died, so he is my only cat. He has plenty of foster cat company, though! Linda

  6. Make sure you report the findings of your investigations, fellas, to Tama-Chan.

  7. Momo, you got a good picture of Tama taking a break. And look how big your baby brother Ryu is now!

  8. It appeared that Mr G intruded on an imPURRtant meeting of The Khats' Minds!

    We are happy to see The Queen is getting used to her new normal -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - soon time to head out on our 'venturing!

  9. Looks like you're all ready for the weekend, kitties😸😺Double Pawkisses for a Happy One🐾😽💞

  10. Momo, these are all fantastic photos. We bet you enjoy that cat run. We are so happy to hear that overall Tama had a good report. Did the vet mention Librela injections for her pain? They didn't help Lightning but we have heard that many dogs and cats have benefitted from it a lot.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

    1. There is Solensia for cats which seems very efficient. Dr. C is keeping that as a last resort and trying less aggressive options first.

  11. You felines all look like you're enjoying life. We hope Tama-Chan is doing well.

  12. Y'all sure were having some fun and such wonderful photos!!!

  13. Chaplin: "That is so cool! I wish we had a cat run! I wonder why we don't!"
    Charlee: "I don't want to go outside and you can't make me."
    Oona: "Oona's ninja skills would make short work of such a prison! Then it would be off to explore the yard!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, don't worry, Chaplin, I would regularly sign my name on your cat run so that the pieces wouldn't get lost even after Oona takes it apart."
    Lulu: "I think you have your answer, Chaplin."


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