Friday 3 May 2024

Frootbat Friday


Ryū-Chan: #1 tells me that there was a time when Frootbat Friday was a regular weekly event in the Blogosphere but the words are seldom heard nowadays, so we thought we would do a Frootbat post for old times' sake.

For a start, I have a GloBat pic of myself to share:

And another:

#1 says I win the 'Bat competition paws down, but that doesn't mean the others don't have great ones too!

Benny says that his colouring is much better suited to the bat role:

 Queen Tama naturally has Queen Bats!

As for Momo, he of course has FluffBats!!!

We hope you have enjoyed our "batty" post!


  1. You and Tama have very good original frootbats, and Momo and Benny have their own good versions. I remember Frootbat Friday started by Skeezix, then Kasé and Latte soon joined in. Then there was Luxor, all cats who are either no longer here or not blogging.

  2. since I am going batty fast, I love seeing the fruitbats. sunshine makes them glow and I know you all love sunshine. hope you get lots of it soon

  3. Paws down, the Chan Clan has the best Froobats evfur. Maybe that's why no one else tries to show theirs. Have a great Friday.

  4. This concept needs to be reinstated weekly. So much fun. And you folks have super bats!

  5. May I play along? I might have FROOT BATS for ears!
    And unlike NAK, mine work!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - soon off to see Khousin Emmy and Auntie Di!

  6. Oh yes, I snap photos of any cat who is displaying 'batty' ears, but they are few and far between then I forget to post them. I promise to do better.

  7. Oona: "That is good froot and/or glo batting by everyone, but Oona has to agree with Benny, he and Oona have the best coloring to be any sort of bat!"

  8. Such wonderful bats and the glow bats are really special!

  9. You all have excellent frootbats today.

  10. Fabulous frootbats from all!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. You'ss gone BAT SHAT craycray!!! Ryu yore Froot Batss are amazin! Inn fect all of youss' have grate Bat earss!!! ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum


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