Tuesday 28 May 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends! You know what the absolute best thing about this week is? #1 is here. All week! She is not going anywhere! Hurrah! By the way, several people asked whether our visitors last week bought any horses. Well, they chose a whole bunch of them but they are now doing genetic testing for a disease called pssm as they will only buy those who are negative, so we are waiting. There are also two other people for whom #1 is finding horses, and collecting mane hair for testing. We shall know more in a couple of weeks.

My little apprentice is now a teenager and he has become rather rowdy. I have had to use strong language with him more than once. But we still do spend quiet times together:

Anyway, I am just going to sit back, relax, and enjoy my week!

PS: I wanted to include a plug for a really yummy food I have been getting lately. Do you love Churu? This is made by the same company, Inaba Ciao from Japan, and is absolutely delicious. #1 ordered it specially for me from the UK and our friends brought it over. She mixes my Zylkene with it.


  1. I hope the horses all test negative. We used to have an Arabian here who regularly suffered from tying up. The biggest problem was she didn't ride him enough so eventually gave him on free loan to someone who could ride almost daily. Apparently he was greatly improved in his new home.
    I am glad you are keeping your apprentice in order, Tama.

  2. Very nice post Tama. So glad that you have your #1 in her spot for awhile! Enjoy!

  3. glad you found food that taste good with your meds. very important. Teens are hard to deal with, both animal and human animals.. ha ha, it will be a while before he grows out of teenisms

  4. Do we ever grow out of teenism, haha. LOVE your apprentice and am sure you are teaching well!
    Good uck with the horses. I am still commenting through "anonymous" and my guru cannot figure out how to put me on as a regular...sigh.

  5. We hope all those horsies are healthy even if they do not get new home. And this is good news that there is a new yummy fur your medicine. You gotta keep that teenager in line.

  6. Good luck with keeping your apprentice on the straight and narrow!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - that is awesome #1 will be around all week!

  7. Yay for #1 being there for the week!
    That will be great for you ;) You may need her care as you do the training of the new fellow and teach him some manners ;) Be sure to include some fun for yourself!
    Purrs Winnie

  8. It looks as though you have already started to relax and enjoy your week! Your Churu sounds pretty yummy to me!

  9. If anyone can train that youngster, it's you, Tama-Chan!

  10. Ah! Shades of The Beebs

  11. We hope all ends up being a go for the horses! Sweet Tama, you are having a good week and that food sounds yummy!

  12. You are looking as lovely as ever, Tama-Chan. We're glad to hear #1 will be with you all week.

  13. Java Bean: "Ayyy, #1 is home all week? She is going to get cabin fever! Better make sure to snuggle with her to encourage her to stay longer!"
    Lulu: "We don't know what pssm is but we hope none of the horses has it!"

  14. I always love your pictures Linda


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