Monday 18 September 2023

Manly Monday


Benny: Guess what appeared on the outer sill of one of our living room windows yesterday?

I could not believe my eyes! He looked like my long-lost cousin!

Momo went to wake up the baby, Ryū, who had been asleep.

And I explained to him about intruders!

But #1 said it was just Charlie who belongs to the nasty neighbours. They may be nasty but Charlie is a sweet kitty, she said.

Educating babies is a big job. They don't have much attention span.

Before I forget, here is a pic of Ollie:

And The Big V sent in one too!

Wishing you all a good week!


  1. charlie looks like a good buddy... so sad that he belongs to people who are not so nice...

  2. Nice post Benny...everyone looks great!

  3. I have a black introoder too. He hisses at me and I growl back. Precious

  4. everyone is present and accounted for plus the dashing stranger cat. the visitor probably wishes he was inside your house and not with the nasty neighbors

  5. Ha! How entertaining for all!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - what a great picture of woo!!!

  6. That was nice of Charlie to come by and say hello. Too bad he belongs to the nasty neighbors, or you could welcome him as a new Poupounette member.

  7. Your territory was infiltrated, fellas!

  8. It's nice to see all of you on Manly Monday, you all look great! Howdy Charlie!


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