Wednesday 26 June 2019

Wednesday Whinnies

Violette: We would like to start by wishing #1 a safe trip. She is apparently going to be seeing quite a few horsies as she will be attending the British Percheron Horse Society's annual breed show on Saturday. She says none will be as beautiful as us, though!

See what I mean?

Vidock: And here is a little more of what you fancy!


  1. oh of course!!! and that is a super event... nothing than beautiful horses...and people who love horses....we wish your #1 a super time.

  2. We wish #1 a good journet and a fun time.
    You are right Violette.All the horses #1 will see on her trip will not be as pretty or handsome as you two!!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. You two look gorgeous! We're sure none of the British horses could hold a candle to you. Our paws are crossed that #1 has a safe and happy trip.

  4. #1 is just like me; I have cats at home, but I vacation away to see more cats!

  5. Sounds like #1 is going to have a great time! I already know she has two amazing Pecherons to come home to!

  6. You two are always looking so gorgeous. We hope #1 has a safe trip and a fun time. Can't wait to see photos. Thanks for share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  7. She knows she has two of the best at home.

  8. We wish #1 a wonderful time ! Purrs


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