Monday 29 January 2024

Manly Monday


Ollie: Hurah! #1 managed to find nice pics of us boys and so could put together a quick Manly Monday post for us!

Here is Momo up in the study. He really likes to hang out there ! (Photo by Mr. G)

Ryū-Chan clearly fascinated by something!

Benny went to the vet last week for his shots and because he had a runny eye. He has conjunctivitis so he has to get goop in his left eye twice a day... He's already better.

And here I am out in the garden! I have a really nice new collar and a tag with my photo on it! I'll show you close-ups soon.

Have a great week, everyone!


  1. happy boys monday... may it be a good last january monday ;O)

  2. Good to see everyone in their spot!
    Have a great week!

  3. looking good, all of you... Happy Monday. cant' wait to see the new tag. Beau has his county tag, with id and a tag with both my phone numbers, his name and mine and that he has a chip

  4. Dearest Chans,
    Lovely photos and glad that Benny's eye is improving.
    Ollie looks cute with his new collar.
    Of course so do Ryū-Chan and Momo!
    We now have only one manly kitty—Spooky.
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. Delish manly photos, all, and my goodness- Momo looks so bright and floofy!

  6. Was prepared for there not being a post today. So glad to see you boys looking so well. Glad Bennie's eye is recovering.

  7. You boys are so adorable and we're always so happy to see you!

  8. I can't believe it is too hard to find perfect pictures of you all


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